Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter, Digimon, and Twilight. Ok I'm finally getting round to doing this. Name PreviouslyLongStory but now BookRead, whichever you can be bothered to call me Age none of your business lol Sex yes please - kidding! Female Location Scotland - I am proud to be Scottish but I am not pro scottish independence because being British works well for all involved. Though I do occaisionally like to tease and point out that it was a SCOTTISH king who joined Scotland and England lol :D. I'm not like the generalised Scot you sometimes see on TV either - I don't wear a kilt, I don't have red hair, I don't speak like Willie from the Simpsons and I don't really have a temper (I just take the mick a lot lol) Hair V. hot at the moment. I've got a purple fringe (bangs if you're american. Bangs?!) with my natural black hair in spikes behind it. Oh and I've got this awesome long bit on one side just to be weird. I know i probably sounds awful but believe me it looks awesome. Eyes Hazel but they like changing colour. Love my eyes cos I've got long and dark eyelashes so I don't need mascara or fake ones :D Body sucks. Bigger girl but I suppose I do have a nice bum and I'm generally all in proportion. Better than being skeletal Books Love them. Mainly Harry Potter, Twilight, Stravaganza, Garth Nix' Sabriel series, Seer and the Sword and fantasy stuff like that. I'm writing my own ones as wellMovies Lots. 10 things I hate about you, Queen of the Damned and so on Music Listen to it far too much lol. I like most things apart from beats (ned music if you ask me) and stuff without lyrics (bore me for too much). Soundtracks are awesome! Random Thoughts Why do Americans/Canadians and so one spell things so weirdly? Mom for mum, color for colour Why fanny packs instead of bum bag? A word of advise - don't use that phrasing if you come to Britain as you will get some strange looks! Pluto is SO a planet! If you find it really irritating when people have a million copy and paste things on their profiles and nothing much else, copy and paste this onto your profile! XXX |