Author has written 3 stories for Card Captor Sakura. Hi welcome to my page. I'm Jennifer. Also prefer to myself as Jenn-chan. BTW I changed my pen name, it used to be BabieLuvly101. I like anime and manga. You're basic otaku ;P I write what comes to mind and only CCS. I actually write on other animes, but I have no intention of posting them...if someone out there is willing to read what I had plotted and never finished, and WOULD like to post them PM me. I'd be glad to co-write it with you. as of 6/9/2013... Good news: Our Own Fairytale has just been updated with it's second to last chapter. And the epilogue is getting up in maybe a week or 2? Yeah depends on how many reviews I get. Bad news: I am in finals for the week, but also taking summer school, so I don't know about any new stories for a while. Other news: So if you read the "Good News" then you can see that Our Own Fairytale has one last chapter AKA the epiologue to go. WOOH! I will be posting my next story maybe after the summer. It's all so hazy so until then. Have a nice day! Bye bee. |
Abenakiwerewolf (18) aiza-chan (1) AniK (6) BlAcKfIrE889 (3) BonneyQ (128) e.v.y.s2 (4) Elli Cole (52) | Empress Elf (5) LadydemonLyn (11) mizugurl01 (5) nrlmuffins (7) Paigeion (4) Psychotic-Muffin (3) sakura doll (7) | SerenityCerulean (3) spites (1) Step of Faith (8) Twineweclipdawngirl (19) WordsInStitches (8) |