Author has written 2 stories for Twilight. 26-year-old Emilie loves to write. A connoisseur of the English language (and lover of etymology), her particular fondness of grammar, spelling, and mechanics limits her ability to savor a good deal of Fanfiction, but she always enjoys dipping her literary feet in the veritable ocean of fascinating storylines, regardless of glaring errors. A Creative Writing and Equestrian Studies minor, she enjoys the great outdoors as much as possible when not entirely absorbed by her computer, and loves lengthy discourse, electronic or otherwise. She texts in full sentences with proper grammar and punctuation. When not enjoying the world of Fanfiction, she picks away at a pet novel project, which has been sitting pitifully on the shelf for over a year. Her life's work, as inspired by the character "Arthur Mendelson" in Patch Adams: "See what no one else sees. See what everyone chooses not to see... out of fear, conformity or laziness. See the whole world anew each day!" Apostrophes: Let's learn them. It isn't hard. I'll help. I'm serious. As someone with a great deal of medical knowledge, it is immensely frustrating to me when people refer to the woman's hymen as being an internal structure. It's around the outside of the vaginal orifice, and is merely a membrane of skin--it can be stretched, and you can break it without having sex. If I read a story and it talks about the man "feeling the woman's barrier inside," the author will be getting a review from me to set the record straight. I hope to rid the fanfiction world of this ridiculous misnomer, one author at a time. Any further questions or disagreements? Feel free to email me, and I shall enlighten you. "Child, to say the very thing you really mean, the whole of it, nothing more or less or other than what you really mean; that's the whole art and joy of words." |
bananapancakes7 (6) c.mary.c (11) | Lio (12) nosleep3 (14) | SurrepTRIXus (1) |