![]() Author has written 23 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Love Hina, Azumanga Daioh, and Misc. Cartoons. UPDATE 8/7/11: Well, I see it's been over a year since I last updated this thing. I finally feel as though I've gotten back into my old writer's rhythm, I've actually done more writing over the last twelve months than I have in almost three years. Now, if I can just hold on to that drive long enough to finish a few fics... Speaking of, that's going to be my goal right now. Rather than posting up any more new works (that aren't one-shots or mockfics), I'm going to be focusing on continuing and, hopefully, finishing some of my preexisting fics, namely Hiraishin World Tour, Freak Creep & Psychopath, and Harry Potter and the Something Something. If I can actually get through those, I might try going back to my older Love Hina pieces if the inspiration returns. And in case you missed the notices: Concerning my three older Naruto works, Wicked Requiem and Konoha Playboy are dead and buried, and Pride of Suna is still on indefinite hiatus, so don't expect anything new for any of them. Sorry. My Writing Policies 1. I consider myself to be a sub-par writer; average if I want to be generous. While I am trying to improve my skills in hopes of someday reaching a level worthy of getting original works published, any fan-work I do is for fun and recreation only. It's not Serious Business as far as I'm concerned. That said, while I try to write to the best of my abilities, the number one priority is my own enjoyment, which may overshadow the overall quality of my works from time to time. 2. I reserve the right to misinterpret, misrepresent, or completely disregard canon events if doing so should become necessary for story progression/ideas. 3. I hate clichés. I do, however, reserve the right to use existing clichés in my stories if I feel I can at least put a new twist on them to make them a little more original. 4. I reserve the right to write characters Out of Character, though I will try my best not to. Alternately: I do not write, nor do I read, Bash-fics, Revenge-fics, or any other forms of Character Assassination-fics. Doesn't matter the series, doesn't matter the character, doesn't matter how much you may think they deserve it. Don't expect to ever see any of it from me. 5. I'm not very fond of Super/God-mod fics, either. I find the majority of them to be boring. Don't get your hopes up for seeing one of these from me ever. ...In fact, just look through my mockery list below and assume that I probably won't ever write any of them in a serious manner. 6. My genre of choice to write for is Humor, whether I'm parodying something I dislike or just writing humor for humor's sake. But humor is a very subjective thing, so I can not guarantee that every(any)thing I write will make you laugh. I also will try my hand at Action and Romance on occasion, but not too much else. I don't enjoy writing or reading darkfics or excessive angst, because I don't think that entertainment should be depressing. Just seems counterproductive, you know? Oh, and my Lemons tend to read more corny than erotic, so again, probably won't see too many of them from me. 7. I reserve the right to abandon any fic that I start. It's not something that I enjoy and I know how frustrating it can be to readers who are following the fic in question, but I'll be the first to admit that I lose interest in things rather easily, and when you lose interest, it makes it that much harder to write about. Recreational activities should not be made to feel like an obligation. 8. If you like my work, that's great. If you don't, it's not going to hurt my feelings. Reviews are always welcome, but not really necessary. I will request, though, that if you do send me a review to at least put a little more effort into it than simply telling me to "UPDATE" or "YOU SUCK". Those aren't reviews anyway; they're just annoying. 9. I update sporadically, and much less often than I'd like. However, don't assume that a story has been abandoned just because it hasn't been updated in a long time. A fic is only abandoned once I announce that it is. 10. There is no 10. At least not yet. But I'll probably be revising and adding on to this list in the future. About my Mock-fics Know this: When I choose to mock a particular theme or plotline, it doesn't (always) mean that I hate them all together. Most of the time, it simply means that I hate the massive amounts of badly written and overly-cliched stories associated with them, or that they've become so overused and repetitive that I'm just sick of seeing them anymore. For example, I have previously mocked self-insert fics, not because I hate the idea (because I've read a couple good ones in the past), but rather because the vast majority of them are all the same thing over and over again (i.e. God-modded self-inserts who's only purpose is to make a character that the author/ess hates look stupid and hook up with his/her favorite guy/girl), and they all suck. Likewise, I (usually) enjoy harem fics, but there are crappy stories in there, too. Even though I love reading them, that won't stop me from mocking badly written or badly plotted ones if I find the proper inspiration for it. Naruto Cliches that I have mocked so far: Yaoi, Mary Sue's, Super-Naruto's, Female Kyubi's, Self Inserts, High school, Time Travel, Ask (Character), Kitten, OoC, Character Bashing and Sakura-beats-the-shit-out-of-Naruto-after-bringing-back-Sasuke (AKA: Banishment) fics. Harry Potter AtSS Cliches mocked so far: Overly Abusive Dursleys, Unexpectedly Rescued from Abusive Dursleys, Fixing Harry in One Summer, Remembering Goblins, Magical Love Bonds, The Brother-Who-Lived and Evil Neglectful Parents, Descendant from Merlin/Founders, Luna the Seer, Love-Potionist-Ginny, Mary Sues/SIs, Draco in Leather Pants, Draco the Veela, Harry Betrayed and Sent to Azkaban, Vengeance For Being Betrayed and Sent to Azkaban, Super in One Summer, Lavender the Whore, Harems and Marriage Contracts, Mpreg, Fem-Harry, Draco the Vampire, Severitus, and many more yet to come. Stories I plan to mock in the future: Anything that might be pissing me off about fanfiction at the moment. If you've enjoyed reading any of my mock-fics, I invite you to check out my C2, where I am (slowly but surely) compiling other fine works of mockery for your reading pleasure. There's not many there yet, but the dozen and a half that aren't mine are all very well done, with some even being multi-chaptered. Be sure to check them out if you haven't already. Have a lovely day. LL |