Author has written 99 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Hana-Kimi, Code Breaker, Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro, Misc. Books, W Juliet, Shakespeare, True Grit, 2010, and Legend of Korra.
Until we get links back on the profiles, I'm "moodiful819" pretty much everywhere and my Sasusaku account is "Pleasantries and the Aftermath."
My links
fictionpress . http://www.fictionpress.com/u/589986/The_StOOpid_Genius/http://www.fictionpress.com/u/859052/Pleasantries_and_the_Aftermath
my deviantart . http:///
my Sasusaku account . http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1264423/Pleasantries_and_the_Aftermath
youtube . http://www.youtube.com/user/moodiful819
livejournal . http:///
tumblr . http:///
Archive of Our Own . http:///users/moodiful819/pseuds/moodiful819
October 27th, 2013: On hiatus until further notice because of college. More active on tumblr, so if you want to know what I am up to, go to the link above.
Pairings I love:
Naruto- KakashixSakura (my OTP), Sasusaku, NejiTen, ShikaTem, ItaHana, GenIno, IruAnko, GenAnko, PeinxKonan, SuiKa, NaruIno, SaiNaru
Atla/Lok: Zutara, Taang, Tokka, Tyzula, AangxMai (for the lulz), SokkaxYue, MaixJet, Tahnorra, NoatokxKorra, Amorra, Linzin, Pemzin, Howrra, Masami (she was so happy with him and how they ended just felt so wrong), Korroh, Irosami, Bosami, Bolinora
Furuba- KyoxTohru, MayukoxHatori, KurenoxUo, KatsuyaxKyoko, YukixMachi, ShigurexTohru, HatorixTohru
MTNN- NeuroxYako (IT IS DESTINY!!), HarukawaxSetsuna, SasazukaxYako (slightly), NeuroxAya (slightly for angst factor), NeuroxGenuine for the lulz
Hetalia- PrussiaxHungary, FrancexJeanne, FrancexSeychelles, SwissLiech, CanadaxUrkaine, RussiaUkraine, USUK
Misc.- Ulquihime, UraharaxYoruichi,SessKagome, SessKagura, GwenxKevin, Amuto, ZoroNami, LuffyHancock aka Luffycock, YomiNoriyuki (Ga-Rei), AltoxRanka
Occasional Fan of:
Het: ItaSaku, SuiSaku, DeiSaku, JuuKa, ShikaIno, KibaHina, GaaHina, ShinoHina, AsuKure, KibaKure
CRACK: NaruKarin, LeeHina, ItaTem, OroIno, OroSai (I read it in a fanfic somewhere), AnkoLee. I'll list them as I come up with plots, but god, now I know why people like these so much. They're fun!
Yaoi: SasuNaru, KakaIta, KakaSasu, ShinoKiba, NaruGaa, LeeGaa, ItaSasu, ItaDei, SasoDei, ItaNaru, ZabuHaku
-Pet Projects:
Dance With Me (coauthor for Sakura's Tsuki)
-Rock Star Romance is in the Any/Any category.
-I spy a lack of Genma fics. We need to cut this guy a break. He's a really interesting character.
For Rock Star Romance by J-Dog's Gangsterlicious Bitch. I can't see it on my computer, but maybe you guys can: http://s274./albums/jj249/Sakura1126/?action=viewt=untitled.jpg
For Fix You:
Fix You: Hisoka Character ref. by me. And a bunch more. Just go look. It's labeled.
For Collection:
Cheater: Sakura's Costume by me for Collection's Cheater.
Cheater: Kakashi's Costume by me for Collection's Cheater.
For Oneshots:
Storybook by dimisfit on tumblr.
Kakashi's Type by dreams101 on dA for Storybook
Laugh Lines by dimisfit on tumblr
Dresser Drawer Inspirations/Response-fic
Pet Names by dimisfit
Hokage-sama by dimisfit
-Stuff people have written for me. Words cannot describe how much I love them for doing this and being my friends:
Delivered by Daphne Dazzledrops
Karin's Shocking Revelation by Narutosbrat