Author has written 4 stories for Horatio Hornblower, and Harry Potter. Whoa, that last intro had been up forever.Start again... Hello, I'm a twenty-six year old Loan Representative (please, don't hold that against me!) who has been writing fanfic seriously for about four years now. I got into it through the Horatio Hornblower fandom and the HHfic mailing list (an excellent source of HH fanfic, highly recommended--it's located over at Yahoo Groups). I wasn't even aware of the Harry Potter fandom, in terms of fanfiction, until shortly after 9/11 when I wandered in here. Since then, I plunged headfirst into HPfic and am enjoying immensely. Still reeling over the "blindside" (as the SugarQuill dubbed it) that was Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix. As a result, EHE has been put on temporary hiatus until I figure out how to incorporate all the new information into my storyline--I see a massive re-write on the horizon. Sister Moon may also be reworked, I'm not sure yet. Argh. Serious trauma there... no pun intended. Sob. Meanwhile, a friend who shall remain nameless has dragged me into the ever expanding world of Anime. Mostly shoujo, with a little shounen mixed in for contrast. Cowboy Bebop, Fruits Basket, His and Hers Circumstances, and Gundam Wing... how's that for schizophrenic? Haven't yet put pen to paper as it were on any fics, but it's only a matter of time you know... |