![]() Author has written 19 stories for Hunter X Hunter, Fullmetal Alchemist, One Piece, Fire Emblem, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, Motorcity, Wreck-It Ralph, World Ends With You, Gravity Falls, and Over the Garden Wall. To view the illustrated version of MotorFalls, please go here: http:///post/34679226543/chapter-1 (FYI: This entry is two years old, but I really don't feel like updating it. So yeah.) I never really know what to put in these things. Oh, well. If you're bored enough to read this, I guess I should put SOMETHING down. Age: 19 if you REALLY must know. Birthday: June 6 (six ish mah lukeh numbuh) Deviantart: http:/// (Check it out if you want. It's mostly fanart) Cosplays I've done (Yep, I'm one of those fans): San (Princess Mononoke), Count D (Petshop of Horrors), Ban Mido (Getbackers), Ichigo (Bleach(this was a request...)), Allen Walker (D.Gray-man), Laboon Arc Nami(One Piece), Imp Midna (Zelda: Twilight Princess), Hanataro (Bleach), Cowgirl Nami (One Piece). Series that I LOVE (rather, that I actually read fanfictions from): D.Gray-man, Fullmetal Alchemist, Getbackers, HunterxHunter, One Piece, Ouran High School Host Club, Petshop of Horrors, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts, Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss Pairings that I LOVE: D.Gray-man: LenaleexKanda, KroryxMiranda Fullmetal Alchemist: RoyxRiza, GreedxMartel (I blame my friend for this one) Getbackers: ShidoxMadoka, KazukixRen HunterxHunter: KurapicaxMelody/Senritsu (don't look at me like that...), KilluaxCanary/Kanaria One Piece: NamixSanji, ZoroxRobin, VivixKohza, UsoppxKaya OHSHC: TamakixHaruhi Final Fantasy: CloudxAeris, VaanxPenelo, IgnusxSara Fire Emblem(oh, boy): EliwoodxNinian, HectorxLyn, SainxFlorina (they should have a support conversation), SerraxLucius, RebeccaxWil, GuyxPriscilla NinoxJaffar, PentxLouise, LutexArtur, ColmxNeimi, EirikaxSeth, EphraimxTana, InnesxL'Arachel, AmeliaxFranz, SorenxMist (I honestly think I'm the only supporter of this couple), TitaniaxRhys, BoydxMia, RanulfxLethe, ZiharkxIlyana, ElinciaxGeoffrey, MakalovxAstrid, NeasalaxLeanne, ReysonxSanaki (again, only supporter), SothexMicaiah, RemielxNailah Kingdom Hearts: SoraxKairi, RoxasxNaminé Tales of Phantasia: Claus/KlarthxMilard, ChesterxArche, Cress/ClessxMint, BrambertxArsia Tales of Symphonia(hearts): LloydxColette, SheenaxZelos, GenisxPresea, RainexLinus, RegalxAlecia, KratosxAnna, YuanxMartel, EmilxMarta Tales of the Abyss: LukexTear, NataliaxAsch, AnisexIon, AnisexGuy (again, only supporter) Friendships I LOVE: D.Gray-man: AllenxLavi Getbackers: BanxGinji, ShidoxEmishi HunterxHunter: GonxKilluaxKurapicaxLeorio (any combination of the four) One Piece: LuffyxShanks, LuffyxZoro, UsoppxChopper, ZoroxChopper, SanjixUsopp, NamixRobin, NamixVivi Fire Emblem: EliwoodxHector, HectorxMatthew, SainxKent, GuyxMatthew, LynxFlorina, SerraxPriscilla, ErkxPent, IkexSoren, IkexBoyd, TormodxMaurim, RolfxShinon, ReysonxNeasala, SothexTormod Kingdom Hearts: SoraxRiku, RoxasxAxel Tales of Phantasia: Cress/ClessxChester, ArchexMint, ArchexSuzu Tales of Symphonia: LloydxGenis, LloydxZelos, ColettexSheena Tales of the Abyss: LukexGuy, LukexJade, JadexAnise, JadexPeony Family I LOVE (non-incest): Fullmetal Alchemist: EdxAl (DUH!) One Piece: LuffyxAce, NamixNojiko Fire Emblem: RavenxPriscilla, FlorinaxFioraxFarina, LinusxLloyd IkexMist, OscarxBoydxRolf, MakalovxMarcia, ReysonxLeanne Tales of Symphonia: GenisxRaine, ZelosxSeles, LloydxKratos Tales of the Abyss: JadexNephry Yaoi/Yuri: No. Just, no. Sorry, but it's not my thing. You can write your little stories about them, fine. I just won't read them. |