Author has written 10 stories for Phantom of the Opera. Update 3/23/2021 - You guys are so amazing in sticking with Relative Insanity even though it's literally been years since I updated. Just so you know... no, I haven't forgotten about it and, yes, I do intend to finish it. I've got a lot of the final chapters already finished or at least sketched out. It's just a dark story and, at the moment, I don't have it in me to torture fictional people. So I'm going to write something fluffy and short as I get back into the habit of writing again, and then I'll come back to this story once I know what I'm doing. My Stories: COMPLETED Dear Diary: This is a retelling, but hopefully a decent one. It is excerpts from the diary of Christine (who is a good deal more cynical than she's generally made out to be) interlaced with events from the story. It doesn't end with the end of the book, either. You could almost say that just the beginning. It took me a year, a month, and seven days, but it's all finished now. Hurray for that! It was my first story so it feels good and sad to finish it, I think. Stockholm Syndrome: I think I'm walking the border line of creepy and... something else... with this one. It's my attempt at a modern day story, only this one is from Erik's point of view. WARNING: This fic has some rather love-it-or-hate-it reviews. A lot of people enjoyed it, but the ones who didn't like it REALLY didn't like it. That said... if you're finding Erik completely unforgivable, drop me a note and I'll give you some hints or spoilers so you can decide if you want to jump ship or continue reading. I'd much prefer that than for you to read all the way through to the end and then curse me six ways to Sunday. You'd probably prefer it, too, since nobody likes to waste time reading something that they don't like. Just Don't Ask: Just some silliness. A tongue-in-cheek alternate ending to the ALW verson. ONESHOT Erik Saves the Day: More silliness. ONESHOT Daddy's Girl: Erik has a daughter. As he comforts her after a bad dream, he reflects on his life. ONESHOT Chatterbox: Another fluffy 'Erik has a daughter' vignette. ONESHOT I Am My Father's Son: This time, Erik has a son. When the boy gets into a fight at the park, he turns to Erik for help. ONESHOT Erik's Little Dividends: Vignettes about Erik's family. Erik has Christine... but now he has to learn how to share his life with their twin sons. And he's not happy about it. Der Erlkönig: This is a story based off of the poem by Goethe (or you may recognize it as the song by Schubert). In case you are unfamiliar with it, I have posted the English translation below-- Who rides, so late, through night and wind? "My son, why do you hide your face so anxiously?" "You lovely child, come, go with me! "My father, my father, can't you hear, "Do you want to come with me, fine lad? "My father, my father, can't you see there, "I love you, your beautiful form entices me; The father shudders; he rides swiftly, IN PROGRESS Relative Insanity: The listed summary is a quote by Ray Bradbury. This is a primarily AU fic, though it is Kay-compliant in the very beginning. Just imagine the possibilities if Erik's mother never went through her "Aha" moment where she decided to be a better mother only to find that Erik had run away. Perhaps they'd gone through with Dr. Barye's suggestion that they put Erik in an institution. NOTE: I AM going to juggle with the timeline a little bit to decrease the thirty year age gap between Erik and Christine as well. HIATUS |