Author has written 11 stories for Gundam Wing/Sailor Moon, Zoids, Flint: The Time Detective, Gundam Wing/AC, Digimon, Escaflowne, Saiyuki, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Name: keemew2. (name is based off a fictional animal from an original novel of my creation) Born: April 2nd, 1984 Gender: Female Place of residence: If I told you would you tell me where you live? (would very much like to have friends interested in fanfiction as well) Number of sub accounts: 5 (I made a few sub accounts for different fandoms I didn't want cluttering up this one and, generally, just to be a bit more organized) Muse: Mewkit (pink haired woman of the same age as me; expresses the inner me and provides me with someone to argue with) (said muse silently mouths the words "she's crazy") Number of unpublished stories: Uhh...countless? Number of mental instabilities: Hmm...Bipolar, Aspergers, OCD and ADHD technically make 4, but the combination causes other minor disorders as well. Other facts about me: Contrary to what Mewkit said (MK whistles innocently), I am not crazy. I am eccentric, however, and I do have my idiosyncrasies. I have issues that stem from my disorders and since I am currently uninsured I can't get them treated, as such I have a penchant to go AWOL when writing. I will eventually have everything updated and, in some cases, rewritten (and in some others, again) but as of right now the stuff I am not working on is on the back burner. THEY WILL BE UPDATED EVENTUALLY! After being rewritten. In some cases again. Mewkit: You just said that. k2: Shut up. Anyway, for those following any of my stories I have some updates. Updates: Okay, so its been awhile since edited my profile. Things have changed alot since then. I have been posting sporadically and not sure about the ETA on most of the stuff. Eventually I will have things done. No telling when. Sorry. finished revamps: Blind Valentine (Gundam Wing) What now! (Digimon 02) Currently working on: In the Wake of Possession (YGO!) (Formerly Ever After. Set before OtWoA during the month between Millennium World and the Ceremonial Battle) in process revamps: None Stalled revamps: A New Frontier, A New Evil (Digimon 04) Changed into original novels (ie: concept rearranged and characters majorly changed): fic began but unposted: k2: Oh yeah! What I said before about no fic being under T? Yeah, for the most part that is true, but there are the occasional one or two shots that are pretty tame in comparison to the main stories. They of course, will be lower in rating. "Dreams are premonitions, A moment of silence for: Grandpa, May 28th 2004, around 10 am. Rest in peace. Uncle Ralph, December 5th 2020, 7:54 pm. Rest in peace. |