![]() Author has written 6 stories for Naruto, Sailor Moon, and Harry Potter. Hello everyone, I am Temptation! Favourite Shows: Sailor Moon (this show started me off with anime and manga, I LOVE IT!) , Naruto (the English voice actors aren't as good as the Japanese) they are my ultimate two animes naturally XD though I do like loads more...I honestly don't watch TV enough, I find everything I like online. Favourite Manga Books: Sailor Moon , Naruto , Passion , Black Knight , Kizuna , Gravitation , Fruits Basket , Wallflower , Negima , DNAngel , Vampire Game , Princess Ai , a lot more but I can't be bothered to write them all! Favourite Pairings: Sailor Moon, Mamoru/Usagi (I mean really, is there anything bettter?) Chad/Rei (I can't remember his Japanese name Mitoki/Minako Ken/Makoto Greg/Ami The Scouts/The Nega-Soldiers (from the original!) Naruto, Sasuke/Naruto (big duh...) Lee/Sakura Gaara/Neji (just cute I guess - I'm weird, sue me!) Fruits Basket, Kyo/Tohru Yuki/ (I can't remember how to spell her name, the one he ends up with) Hatsuharu/Rin Shigure/Akito Ayame/Shigure/Hatori (I'm definitely weird) Arisa/Kureno Shishou/Hana-Chan (just beep off Kyo ;p) Wallflower, Kyohei/Sunako (they WILL happen!) Hated Pairings: Any pairing that gets in the way of Sasuke and Naruto! (Naruto and Sasuke belong together dammit!) , Serena with anyone else , Darien with anyone else besides Serena! Just wrong, though I like seeing him chase after her...he doesn't do it enough! Favourite Books: Harry Potter , Chronicles of Narnia (all seven of them not just the second one which someone turn into a film) , Sabriel , Dr. Faustus (very weird and old, blame my Lit teacher) , Interview with a Vampire , the Anita Blake thing (my best friend got me to read it and I still refuse to continue because it killed off a character I liked, doesn't stop it being good though) , Maximum Ride , Pride and Prejudice...now I'm stuck for titles, just a lot lol. Favourite Pairings: Harry Potter, Harry/Draco (favourite!) Harry/Severus Harry/Tom Ron/Hermione (my flatmate would kill me otherwise :p) Remus/Severus (Remmy is a Wolf, he's Dominant in my SLASH induced bubble!) Remus/Sirius (Same as above...) Tom/Severus Tom/Lucius (anyone seeing a pattern here?) Lucius/Severus (I think I'm addicted to SLASH...¬_¬) Maximum Ride, Fang/Max (I refuse anything that gets in between them -.-) Hated Pairings: Harry with Ginny or Hermione , Fang with someone else bar Max and visa versa...don't hate that many lol! About Me: Well I am completely obsessed with anything to do with anime and manga, I draw it, write it, read it and probably breathe it! I am a sucker for romance and stuff like that which is why I try to avoid 'Tragedy and Angst' it's not my cup of tea! I also love reading normal books, my new found love for Harry and Draco brought me back to actually reading books. I like loads of music, not really bothered what or who, if I like it I like it, I'm that simple though I'm not a very big fan of rap...IT ISN'T MUSIC! Got a really smart big bro and he's adorable unlike my annoying big sister (she's alright really, and smart but still a pain lol) which leaves me as the baby of the family, can't really be a baby because of all the stuff I write! I finally have started my collection of the Ghibli Studios films, I have them but not a good copy if yah get me, I seriously am too obsessed ¬_¬ ah well XD Likes people: Who like to have a laugh and can take my sarcastic nature! I like to make loads of friends and I'm pretty easy to talk to according to my best mate but she's probably biast! Dislikes people: Who like to take the mik out of other people for there own enjoyment (it's not funny dammit!) People who complain about every little thing! Basically people who don't apprecitate other people...as I said before, IT'S NOT NICE! Some of my stories (most) are Yaoi (unless it's Sailor Moon or Wallflower, those two I can get any yaoi pairing that I really like!) and are rated accordingly! Please do not read my work if you are NOT interested in the topic/pairing/rating! I will always have warnings up for those of you who don't read the ratings if it is a mature story. Other than that I hope you will all like my work and I look forward to getting your reviews. |