Author has written 5 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh.
Status Update:
Title: Trials of the Changing Heart
Status: In progress
Title: Trials of the Changing Heart (Remake)
Status: Upcoming
Title: Random Yu-Gi-Oh Insanity
Status: On Hiatus
Title: Thicker Than Blood
Status: In Progress
Title: Sultry
Status: Complete/Potential Removal
Title: Crash and Burn
Status: Complete
Title: Hatred, More Or Less
Status: In Progress
Title: Carousel
Status: On Hiatus/In Remake Fic Ideas:
Neutral Grey: Sequel to 'Crash and Burn'
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh
Pairing(s): Yami YugixYami Bakura
Priority: Medium
My Gift To You: New fic
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh
Pairing(s): Touzoku-OhxYami Bakura, Yami YugixYami Bakura, Seto+Jounouchi
Priority: High
Poison in the Wine: New fic
Series: Lumen Lunae
Pairing(s): KaigaxSakumo
Priority: Medium
A Bit About The Author:
-I am a yaoi/shounen-ai writer
-I have a quick temper and an aptitude for scathing comments when they are deemed due.
-My fics are often intricately laced with psychological sub-plots. Rarely are things what they seem to be at face value.
-I tend to become unhappy with most of my fics, so I get dispassionate about them and often can't force myself to continue them. I'm trying to fight that, though...
-I DO NOT like being pushed or bullied for updates. I'll make them on my own time frame, not yours. Updates are more likely to come faster if you ask politely instead of demand to see them.