![]() Author has written 20 stories for Harry Potter. Yea, so I'm finally taking the time to put something here. Then again i didn't know this was here to begin with... I really should look around this site more, instead of reading and reviewing... So I love Harry Potter, and all my stories will probably be about that series. Actually, all of them, why lie? And I saw this idea on someone else's Profile, that they got from the movie "Pay it Forward", anyways if you read one of my stories (applauding your bravery now) I promise to read at least one of yours, chances are I'll read more than one though... Just In Case You wanted to know: Female, Taurus, 33, United States, New York City to be exact! My favorite pairings are anything really. If you checked everything I've ever read so far, you'll see slash, straight, sad, mad, long, short etc... But I do favor the more graphic rated stuff. M all the way. I read other stuff when I'm on ffn from my cell phone, I take a note of it, and come back to it later, so that's how you see any other letterings. Favorite Relationships I love Ron/Hermione. I have stories in the works where Hermione is with someone else. Most of them will have Ron dead. Or not even mentioned. Just can't help it. And if he is mentioned (and not because he's dead) he must be in a situation where it is impossible for him to help. I'm trying to work on it... but it's a slow progress. Anyone with Severus... I'm a sucker for him, what can I say? Well not anyone... (Dumbledore) *runs into corner and squicks* I just realized I read a lot of Sirius/Remus... it's intriguing... Dean Thomas anyone... Favorite characters Ron- Because how do you not love him? I mean pushing aside his lack of tact, atrocious eating manners, and his customary reaction to say the wrong thing... he's perfect, lol. Dean- Because I sometimes fancy myself an artist and he's one... Sirius- Again how do you not love him? I won't even explain it... it's just meant to be that way... lol... Sev- And I have a nice C2 dedicated to him called Great Man Severus... Great Man... Hermione- She always seems to be the one girl worth writing about, plus I used to be picked on... sigh... Tonks- She's an Auror and a Metamorphmagus... don't hate people... appreciate... Next Gen Albus- A new mini Harry to do all sorts of things with that can now be considered canon... yes, something worthwhile from the Epilogue, lol... Scorpius- Same reason as with Al, pretty much a new Draco... oh and I like his name... Hugo- I keep picturing stories with him being the most mischievous of all the kids, yes including Freddy... Dislikes Er... I don't read Marauder's Era stories... unless it's Sirius/Remus centered. For some reason I have no inclination to read about James and Lily Potter. Or James Potter and Lily Evans. And defintely not Wormtail either. That even includes stories where Lily is with Severus. Sev is who he is, because she died... can't mess with that people... There's something about Ginny... I'm not sure what it is, but I'm not a fan. I read stories she's in. Hell I read stories where she's one of the main characters, but really there's just something about her... maybe I just believe all Weasley's should be good looking males, lol... When Dumbledore or Ron have become way too big of jerks. I don't mind the Dumbles manipulates Harry stories, or Ron turns on Harry, but some people get out of control with it... did JK really draw up that much hate in your blood for these characters that you've made them monsters- without them being Imperiused?? To each their own... As of December 12th 2008... I was supposed to be back before, but that went right back out the window, lol. So I won't say I'm completely back, but I have blessings from my friends to lug my lab top to their houses whenever the need arises, so let's see how this works out... Completed Stories: When Green Lightning Strikes- First Story. A letter that stirs the soul, and shakes you to the core. Well... I could be over doing it, but hey it's my profile. Pairings: Sort of HG/RW and HP/GW. I say sort of because it definitely doesn't say they are, but definitily implies it. Welcome To My World- My first attempt at Slash. It's not graphic, didn't think I could pull it off. It's a Snape/Harry. They come to an... understanding that one of them wasn't ready for. What Do You Want Harry?- Ah, this came to me suddenly on a whim. A Hermione/Harry. Cute One Shot. Realized Harry/Hermione fans are quite wonderful after writing it. Oh and someone asked why she asked Harry this in the first place: because he was in one of those upset moods he tends to get in. Hope that helps. Night Time Is The Right Time- First Song Fic. I wanted to do this song from Ray Charles so bad... Probably could have been better, I'm still not sure of the rules on writing a Song Fic. Harry/Hermione... gotta love those fans. Science Lessons For Making My Life Better? Deal!- You can sort of tell why Harry is the way he is. And Ron by looking at his family. But what about Hermione? Why the bookworm? Why she's never afraid to raise her hand and speak her mind. And why- if she's all that... can she manage to like Ron Weasley. A One Shot (I know how do you express all that in a one shot?) that hopefully gives you some insight. Hey missick93, drew a sketch for my one shot 'Science Lessons For Making Life Better,?Deal!.So I think it's like the greatest thing ever as it's just how I pictured the two chacters looking in one of the scenes. So you can check it out if you want: http:/// What Whatever Wants- One month after the end of the war, Hermione needs to clear her head from an argument with Ron and takes a walk and runs into Malfoy. War Hero Malfoy, so it's a civilized conversation, but what could they possibly need to talk about? And will they more than talk? HG/RW and HG/DM. Was a one shot, but now a full blown HG/DM. Another HG/DM story made me want to write a long story for them. So here's what I suggest: read the first chapter (and review) if you're a Ron/Hermione fan and ignore the rest... really it's Ok, because chapter two is just going to upset you. But if you can bare the rest keep going :) Hallucinations, Dreams and Reality- Hey my first MMAD. It was loads of fun. So Minerva has a Hallucination, then a Dream, and well... that last bit is a little shaky. Watch as Minerva speaks to Albus in a series of different states. It does get a bit emotional. But I've also included for humor her interactions with the Trio, Harry and Severus young, and Harry and Severus as old men, no not Slash. It's only three chapters, give it a read, ok? Just Give Me A Reason- Involves one Auror- that would be Ron, having to escort one prisoner to trial. It should be simple, the Pirsoner has already been brought to the Ministry of Magic, all he has to do is take him downstairs. Well trouble ensues. Slightly funny, will be a twist somewhere at the end... just wait for it. Can You Believe It? Vol. 1- DH SPOILER ALERT. JK's Epilogue did nothing for the background characters we've all grown to love just as much as the Trio. So see how George's life continue's without Fred for the next 19 years... because some one had to write it. One shot. Who Will Be Loved?- Another MMAD, a story to explain Minerva's manerism after Dumbeldore's death. Another Trilogy. Shows Miverva's reacttion to her first day of classes... my favorite part to write :) To Be Like Dad- My first fic about the next generation. It's about little Teddy Lupin, and his struggle to find out what part of himslef is like his dad... cause he just deosn't see it. It's sorted under Remus and Tonks, but if anyone has a better idea for placement please let me know. Works In Progress: Yes, My Name is Siriusly- Yeah, may take it down. Not much interest in it. Maybe it's categorized wrong. Maybe I didn't do a good job. I don't know, but as for now it's on the back burner. It's a story of the daughter Sirius never knew about, who also happens to be the sister Harry knows nothing of. In Telling My Story I Tell His- Ah, got the idea for this from another story. Imagine one of our Harry Potter characters deciding to change their names and start a new life. Then imagine if you will, that the character dies, and the kids never find out about the old life... until now. Hermione/Draco -yeah these are real good fans too. Always want more, I like that. The First part is done, but I need to do a second part for the sister, so it's a WIP. What Whatever Wants- Yeah, It's already mentioned above, but it's definitely a work in progress if you're reading it as a Draco/Hermione. Watch as a new Draco has appeared and tries to get in Hermione's good graces during a very chaotic period. And this set after Harry defeated Voldy, so if theer's a crsis, you might want to read to find out what it is. The Conversation Never Had- DH SPOILER ALERT. Er, Harry and Sev didn't speak at all in DH... what was that about? So here are two ways it could have went down. One for Harry, and one for Sev. A George Without A Fred- New Story. Pretty much George has found a reason to stop mourning Fred. But when the reason stops being fun, and turns into a problem, it's on to see if George can learn to balance both and live to tell the tale... WIP: The Survival Series So I have a series going. An M rated series, not fluffy stuff either. Taking place from each of the four main characters involved. But I realized after a review that I need to add Epilogue's. So that's what the wait is about. Because I've finished the next part- Ron's POV, but I want to post it with the Epilogues to the first two. So Bare with me while I finish. As for the main point of the series: The Trio plus one Neville Longbottom (for which this got started) decided to try and sneak up on Voldy and the gang. They get caught. Duh- it was just them. So I tell the sordid happenings of their stay in La Casa de Death Eater. Not happy... Rape, Torture etc... Survival Of The Fittest- A Neville/Bellatrix. Since it was meant to be a one shot, I have to make all the stories after this one fit in with his. Not as easy as it sounds. Anyhoo the pairing comes from this being M. I could've just left Neville out, but where's the fun in that? Just finished his Epilogue... but it's not up yet, again bare with me. Those Who Adapt Survive- A minor bit of Hermione/Dolohov (the guy who cursed her in the DoM) but mostly Hermione/Draco. 2nd part of series. Starts at a different point than Neville's, but still manages to fit his time line. This is what got me working on Hermione/Draco stories, good fans man, good fans... Started the Epilogue- its a WIP. And I'd post it as soon as it's done but... read further to find out why. Taking The Bad With The Good: Survivng- Don't quote me on the title. It's a WIP in iself. A Ron/Draco. This is the third part of the series. Starts a little differently than Neville's as well, I really hope the timing works. Because this one didn't just have to fit Neville's POV, but Hermione's as well. Again it's done just not posted yet because I want his Epilogue to be included with his. Epilougue is planned out, it's just I'm typing Hermione's currently. And trust me, if you're reading the whole series you'll want Ron's Epilogue to be up really badly because his will sort of finish hers... Harry's POV- No Title yet. Last part. Multiple pairings really. Though I think the majors will be Harry with Lucius, Voldy, and a bit of Snape- though I'll admit... no I won't. That's because he is going to get tortured out his mind. More like my mind. It's my own fault really... he gets pulled away like three times?? Yeah he's in for it. Anyhoo, and his epilogue will end the whole series. Not the war, by the way. That's not for me to decide. And all the Epilogues (like the stories themselves) will take place over different days. All ranging from Two Months from the day of their return to Two Months one Week. Arguments galore. Done But Not Posted (I know I should get a move along already): Five Points from Gryffindor- A Hermione/Dean fic. I really like Dean because he's an artist and I sometimes fancy myself as one. Plus they're both Muggle born aren't they? You'd think they would have had a conversation at some point? Anyways, as I mentione above, I love Ron/Hermione so I have two endings for this. What Happens In Azkaban Stays In Azkaban- Bellatrix/Sirius. A moment between cousins... You know he tries to strangle her, she kicks him in the groin. Seriously though, after an escape attempt they get sentenced to Azkaban's version of the hole. I actually have this ready to go, but I'm not posting it until I update It's time for a change... bare with me. A Honeymoon To Forget- A Harry/Hermione. Well technically it starts Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermion on their double Honeymoon, but as you can see by the pairing something obviously is going to go wrong. Something else just occured to me to write, but it would involve the Marauders era, and if there was something I did stay away from it's this subject. I almost never read them... the exceptions being if it doesn't involve James and Lily. I don't know, I'm just not interested, so I should change the top, shouldn't I? Oh well, anyways, It's not persay about James and Lily but they would be mentioned- often. I don't know... it should only be a one shot... maybe two if it calls for it. Happy Readings on the ones you can read. And if anything in the DBNP category interests you please don't hesitate to let me know, it'll probably be the motivation I need to post it. I want to put Quotes up, I like Quotes: The Road to a friend house is never long. ~Danish Proverb In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. ~Robert Frost The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain ~Dolly Parton Don't be afraid to take a big step. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps. ~David Lloyd George Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. ~Richard L. Evans I wish they would take me only as I am. ~Vincent Van Gogh. And just because I like how it sounds: He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool- shun him. He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child- teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep- wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise- follow him. ~ It's either a proverb or it's unknown. P.S. If you were to ask me (not saying you have to, or you would even have a reason too... ) what one story of mines, I would recommend, I'd tell you To Be Like Dad. Thanx n Advance :) Reviewer's Creed I have joined the Review Revolution! I solemnly swear to reviews all the fics I read, regardless of the number of reviews, its age, or anything else. I've been on here since October 4th, 2006 and I've reviewed 2,063 times as of January 14th, 2008... I am a loyal reviewer, and am proud of it. :) Ok Big Harry Potter DH spoiler Alert: The way Sev died was the coldest thing ever, and Voldy officially earned his 'evi'l title with that death... He was evil before, but that dit it. R.I.P. Severus Snape Page 658- 'Look... at... me..." |
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