![]() Author has written 9 stories for Rurouni Kenshin, and Twilight. Okay, here we go. Since I now have a lap-top, and write at night when I'm at work...UPDATES!! Unfortunately I can't FIND my old information for either one of my accounts. Notice how I've streamlined everything so it's smaller. Including my name. It was bulky. So sue me. Instead of making it longer I've opted to make it shorter. If you want to see the original work I've put my last two names on my favorite author page. This is not because I am my favorite author. Far from it. However I figured it would be wrong to just get rid of everything. Not that I can access either account anyway. I imagine I could tell them to delete both accounts...that would give me a clean slate to work with. However there are some nifty reviews on there that I would miss terribly. Especially for the things that Jess and I wrote together. The moment was priceless. I don't want to give that up. Again. Sue me. NOTE: I've been nominated for the "Twilight Award" in multiple categories. Please waltz over there and vote for me and the awesome Cullenista! She's my Beta for all of my Twilight stories and is the writer of the excellent story "Blue Moon Over Manka's." Vote here: http:///?page_id=11 I am a mother of two and a wife of one. (I feel the need to say that second bit only because of our friends out there in Utah. Hi Utah! waves) If for some reason I don't post every week don't be shocked. I will try to keep my posting up to at least every two months. I've missed writing fanfiction terribly. This is a wonderful creative resource. I'm looking forward to returning to it. My work is not for everyone. I'm verbose. "Duh!" (I hear a lot of head smacking out there.) I will be writing LONG paragraphs. There will be ten cent words. I'm not going to dumb it down, I'm not going to make shorter chapters. If you have a problem with this, don't read it. DO NOT!! leave me a message telling me you "liked it, but it was too long." I don't care. I don't feel the need to write back to the publishing companies of the books I read telling them to make the chapters shorter. Why would you even want this?? Who are these people?? I don't write in "net-speak" and unless I'm cursing you won't hear me do it in real life either. (I've taken up OMG as my favorite "swear" word in real life. It's somehow less abrasive in netspeak.) Unless I do any major re-writes I'm going to leave all of my old fics on my old names. All except for my two longer ones. I'm working on an Aioya story for Sano and believe it or not Hiko, but I'm not going to move "A Flower Blooming in a Time of War" or "Along the Stream". Eventually I think I would like to catalogue these together and let other people write some...at a forum or something. Till then though no touchie touchie. Or as the Tick would say "no moleste!" Our heroes spent a healthy amount of time in Kyoto, and all that partying tends to lead to story telling, especially in a time pre-dating karaoke...although they were doing that in the manga anyway... My favorite stories include: Ai Yori Aoshi, Artemis Fowl, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Blade of the Immortal, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Card Captor Sakura, Chrono Crusade, Detective Conan, Escaflowne, Final Fantasy (anything really), Full Metal Panic, Full Metal Alchemist, Gunsmith Cats, Hana-Kimi, Inu-Yasha, (The) Irresponsible Captain Tyler, Kare Kano, Kingdom Hearts, Ranma 1/2, Record of Lodoss War, Riding Bean, Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, Those who Hunt Elves, Tsubasa Chronicles, Twilght, Wild Arms, and the X-Files. Anything by Miyazaki-sensei. (I'm sure there are more...I just remember these off the top of my head. In fact I KNOW there are more.) To all of you who have stuck with me: "Ohisashi buri desu ne? Arigatou Gozaimasu! Tadaima!" bows deeply To those of you who are just finding me: "Doozo yoroshiku!" bows deeply. I will see all of you soon I hope. Thank you for years of encouragement. The fact that I am still getting comments is very uplifting. Keep all of your constructive criticims coming. I like it! |