Author has written 17 stories for Harry Potter, Star Wars, Resident Evil, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, True Blood, Mummy, Descendants, 2015, Jurassic Park, and Avengers. 05/01/2017- Regarding Harry Potter Ficlets: "Building a Better Future," the Story Line where Harry is MoD, has rescued the Wizarding World to the best of his abilities, and has taken the fruits of his labors and survivors through the Veil into an alternate reality (Star Wars) contains casual mention of a same-sex marriage. One member of this community in particular, Mario129, got fairly butt-hurt by having to read with his own two eyes that LGBTQ People are Normal and can be the Hero, and drew personal offense to the idea that everything in cannon, but sexuality, was fair game on this platform. He/She/It was also fairly enraged that I didn't clearly disclaim the "slash" in the opening dialogue I provided prior to the commencement of the story in Ch. 08. Please allow me to disclaim first and foremost, I do not write "Slash." To me "slash" of any type, whether that be Same Sex, Hetero, or Polyamorous is innately erotica and this is neither the proper forum for that, nor do I have the desire to ever attempt to write what I often consider "filth." I've read quite a bit which ruined otherwise promising stories, but I am not in the business of erotica, I'm not in any business with this site except passing time and trying to have fun via the written word. Building the Future was my first, There was a direct purpose for my Marrying Harry to Victor apart from the "shock value," which I guess I'm revealing now vs. fleshing out over the course of the story. This Fic is going to cover a vast swath of time in Cannon SW with Elements of Legends, and I wanted to test the residual Humanity of Harry with alien (female) wives and the prospect of seeding the literal future with his children if matched with (a) powerful force user(s); and how loyal Harry would remain to his absent spouse. If we knew Victor was "alive" yet not present, can he legally be considered dead and the marriage ended? Does Harry Want that? Does the burgeoning Terran Empire need that? Harry so far has been behind every technological marvel and magical feat that has saved his people; he literally gave them a new world and wonders beyond their compare because they needed it for magic to survive. He's come this far based on Luna's vision(s); will he go further and break his vows to Victor and deny every part of himself and his desires for the good of others? Will he sacrifice what he wants entirely and lose himself to serve others? That's why this started as casual slash; because I think, based on Cannon, Harry would give up everything to protect his people including destroying his marriage and hope for the future. ... but would that lead to the Dark Side; would the Galaxy survive? I don't know, but if you can't handle the mention of same sex relationships, neither will you. Edit date: 01-21-2019 |