![]() Author has written 34 stories for Hawaii Five-0, Person of Interest, and Chaos. Well, I guess if I'm changing my icon, I might as well change my profile too! Because seriously, how could I *not* use that awesome sign? (Yes, that is an actual sign from Waikiki.) Apparently, the coconuts there are really vicious. They don't just fall on you-- they hurtle themselves at you at speeds so fast they disrupt the air behind them, causing black lines to trail in their wake! And no one is safe, not even little stick figure families. I'm sure if there was a stick figure dog on the sign, he'd have a murderous coconut after him as well. Maybe Danny was on to something after all. Maybe helmets should be required for anyone who is willing to risk their lives by sitting underneath a palm tree. And maybe they should change the wording because, really, "Beware" does not convey the danger strongly enough. Maybe they should replace "Beware, Falling Coconuts" with "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! OR YOU WILL DIE!!!" Maybe then we would finally get the message and countless thousands of stick figures could be saved from senseless, brutal coconut deaths. Oh, and if you checked this page to find out about me, well, I'm not as interesting as the sign. I write and when I'm lucky, I beta. Fic is fun but the best thing about it is all the great friends I have made. (Everybody say "awwww...") Perhaps corny, but true. I mainly write H50 but have strayed in the past year, dabbling into other fandoms. I'm hoping my H50 muse will kick back in soon or Cokie will kill me. Seriously. She will. She might even send a coconut to do the job. If you like a story, I love reviews. And if you don't like one, well, let me know that, too. I can't improve if I don't know. That's about it. Oh, and no coconuts (or stick figures) were harmed in the writing of this profile. |