Katie Blake
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Joined 12-03-18, id: 11515740, Profile Updated: 03-15-19
Author has written 1 story for Hunger Games.

Hey everyone! I just started my new SYOT story which currently is closed, but you can still read along. It's called The Act Of Deception: The 98th Hunger Games. Below is the form to submit a tribute for the future. Thanks for checking out my profile :).

District 1

Male: Aiden Blackford from theflowercrowns

Female: Cecilia Winters from Team Shadow

District 2

Male: Ceres Ostrower from XC-Nerd

Female: Delphi Rasha from Annabeth Pie

District 3

Male: Archie Link from Team Shadow

Female: Hope Sagewood from Dragon Silvertongue

District 4

Male: Zale Turk Asturias from curiousclove

Female: Pearlia Beta Poplawski from curiousclove

District 5

Male: Blaze Hadley from theflowercrowns

Female: Luna Hadley from theflowercrowns

District 6

Male: Henry Morse from SparrowBirdEliza

Female: Ophelia Taylor from Hawkmaid

District 7

Male: Huck Lividus Oakwood from LongingForRomeo

Female: Seqouia Hollick from a personal friend of mine

District 8

Male: Alex Condie from Professor R.J Lupin1

Female: Rowan Condie from Professor R.J Lupin1

District 9

Male: Liam Prince from S.H. Reke

Female: Maeve Xiarc from abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz05

District 10

Male: Baxter Ituma from AlexFalTon

Female: Laine Alius Taylor from LongingForRomeo

District 11

Male: Dale Sendul from Hawkmaid

Female: Valerie Blackwell from Zen13

District 12

Male: Oliver Wells from Hawkmaid

Female: Annalise Konnors from Annabeth Pie

If you would like to submit a tribute the form is below :)!


Nickname (optional):


Gender (M/F/if your character is neither male nor female what pronouns and what the capitol sees them as):

District (give your top three):

Family (parents,siblings,their relationships with family):

Hair (color, length, texture):


Specific Features (optional) (freckles,scars,etc):

Volunteer or reaped:

Reaction to being reaped/volunteering:

If they volunteered why?:

Other relationships (friends, significant others):

How they feel about the Games:

What place do you feel they will come in (Doesn't mean they'll get this place but I like to hear what you think):

Range of training score (1-3,4-6,7-9,10-12):

Anything else you'd like to share about this character:

Thank you so much!

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Tempestas the 189th Games by LongingForRomeo reviews
When Head Gamemaker Aetius Valter is challenged to make a Game's like no others he feels over his head. Facing an inward rebellion and a soft President he wonders how he will manage it. That is until he meets the Tributes. These Tributes are one of a kind and ready to fight, love and go against the norms. Let the 189th Hunger Games Begin! SYOT Closed Viewers can sponsor.
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My Dear Tributes and SYOT suggestions! by Hawkmaid reviews
These are my tributes. they are headed for either their death or their victory, but the odds are not in their favor. Goodbye my friends! Also, SYOT suggestions inside...
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The Act of Deception: The 98th Hunger Games (SYOT CLOSED) reviews
Katniss died in The Hunger Games, and her flame never grew more than a spark. The capitol residents have still not learned their lesson, and are continuing to host the cruel Hunger Games. There are 24 more tributes. 24 children. 23 other people who cannot be trusted. 23 people who will die at the hands of another, or the capitol. Who will be victorious?
Hunger Games - Rated: T - English - Drama/Suspense - Chapters: 7 - Words: 8,220 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 3/15/2019 - Published: 1/15/2019