Author has written 1 story for Hunger Games. Hey everyone! I just started my new SYOT story which currently is closed, but you can still read along. It's called The Act Of Deception: The 98th Hunger Games. Below is the form to submit a tribute for the future. Thanks for checking out my profile :). District 1 Male: Aiden Blackford from theflowercrowns Female: Cecilia Winters from Team Shadow District 2 Male: Ceres Ostrower from XC-Nerd Female: Delphi Rasha from Annabeth Pie District 3 Male: Archie Link from Team Shadow Female: Hope Sagewood from Dragon Silvertongue District 4 Male: Zale Turk Asturias from curiousclove Female: Pearlia Beta Poplawski from curiousclove District 5 Male: Blaze Hadley from theflowercrowns Female: Luna Hadley from theflowercrowns District 6 Male: Henry Morse from SparrowBirdEliza Female: Ophelia Taylor from Hawkmaid District 7 Male: Huck Lividus Oakwood from LongingForRomeo Female: Seqouia Hollick from a personal friend of mine District 8 Male: Alex Condie from Professor R.J Lupin1 Female: Rowan Condie from Professor R.J Lupin1 District 9 Male: Liam Prince from S.H. Reke Female: Maeve Xiarc from abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz05 District 10 Male: Baxter Ituma from AlexFalTon Female: Laine Alius Taylor from LongingForRomeo District 11 Male: Dale Sendul from Hawkmaid Female: Valerie Blackwell from Zen13 District 12 Male: Oliver Wells from Hawkmaid Female: Annalise Konnors from Annabeth Pie If you would like to submit a tribute the form is below :)! Name: Nickname (optional): Age: Gender (M/F/if your character is neither male nor female what pronouns and what the capitol sees them as): District (give your top three): Family (parents,siblings,their relationships with family): Hair (color, length, texture): Skintone: Specific Features (optional) (freckles,scars,etc): Volunteer or reaped: Reaction to being reaped/volunteering: If they volunteered why?: Other relationships (friends, significant others): How they feel about the Games: What place do you feel they will come in (Doesn't mean they'll get this place but I like to hear what you think): Range of training score (1-3,4-6,7-9,10-12): Anything else you'd like to share about this character: Thank you so much! |
Hawkmaid (12) | LongingForRomeo (2) |