Author has written 2 stories for Death Note, and Walking Dead. STATISTICS AGE 22 GENDER Female SEXUALITY Bisexual, very strong male preference, but open to anything I guess. MARITAL STATUS ...What marital status? Ain't got one at the moment. NAME Toni Elizabeth Anne-Marie, nickname "Marie" and every other name under the sun. CONTACT INFORMATION My skype is Xael-Thorn (just note that you're a fanfiction user in your contact request... I may not accept unless we've chatted through fanfiction pm's first). You may also reach me at apocalyptichumanity@ STORIES WRITTEN FALLING SHORT is a multi-chapter, complete fanfiction set in the Death Note universe, about L and Near. It is Romance/Tragedy. "Near has started to have dreams... but he doesn't know who they're about. It's only after he gets kidnapped and brutally tortured that he realizes who he wants, and they'll never like him back. Slight AU, Spoilers, Lang., Violence, Suicide, Death, Lemons." I WAS SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW, now titled BECOMING UNFAMILIARis a multi-chapter in-progress fanfiction set in the Walking Dead universe, about Glenn. It is Angst/Friendship. "Glenn wakes up in an unfamiliar place, one that appears to be a hospital room. With a working vital sign monitor beeping out his racing pulse, he has what feels like seconds to determine where he is, and just how long he has until Walkers eat him, attracted by the noise. More importantly, why is he there, and why is he so damn tired? [AU, Glenn-Centric, Multi-Chaptered]" LADY USHOMA'S THREE HEARTS is a multi-chapter in-progress original story hosted on Wattpad. Please check it out. PLANNED STORIES None at the moment, but I am thinking of doing something... Avatar-esque. If you have requests, feel free to send them to me; there is no guarantee that I will write them, but if I'm interested in it, and have enough free time, I will do so. |
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