Author has written 13 stories for Harry Potter, and Beauty and the Beast. Hola! Hi! Bonjour! Thank you for being here, all of you; and to those who read me: thank you. Love to you all. Y a quienes leen en español: gracias por leer (y escribir, a esos que escriben). Por mantener vivos cada uno de los sueños, de las historias de que nos enamoramos cada día. (Cheesy, lo sé) Je vais aussi essayer d'écrire en français. J'ai le B2, j'espère me faire comprendre assez bien. Corrigez mes erreurs, s'il vous plaît. Any kind of feedback is welcome (I pay attention to every review), so feel free to say whatever you think. I also go check on every reviewer for new things to read, for I like my fics (or I wouldn't be writing them) and if you do too, then you must be writing to my liking. I write what I'd want to read but can't find, so if you recognize similarities between my fics and others, please do tell. I'll keep updating anyway, but I'll also enjoy a good story. What I value the most in fics, is to recognize the characters. Nothing against dark heroes, but difference, explained. So if you notice I've made a mistake regarding that, please tell me. WARNINGS: lately I'm having a penchant towards writing about things that disconcert me. Hard ethical issues such as infidelity and incest, sexuality and bioethics, utilitarianism when applied to usage of human beings might appear in the story if they are fitting. I might take positions I don't share in order to understand them, though I'm not relativist regarding most of them. I'll always be as accurate as I know how. Please don't react violently. It's just fanfiction. About rating M: You'll notice that most of my fics include steamy scenes, I think they are M plus but I have seen way more "mature" in this website. Right now I can't seem to refrain from it, I think I'm good at it and I like writing and reading such things. But I know it can influence some pleople (I was influenced at some point) so please, if you aren't properly married consider going to read something more constructive (or skipping steamy scenes, whatever works for you). |
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