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Author has written 16 stories for X-overs, Naruto, Harry Potter, One Piece, Walking Dead, Inuyasha, and A song of Ice and Fire. Hi welcome to my profile :). ABANDONMENT: Hi guys, some of you have asked me if I have abandoned To change time and fate, I have NOT. If I don't specifically write ABANDONED in the summary it isn't. I'm just eh... regrouping. :D Disclaimer: I do hereby disclaim all rights and responsibilities for the characters that are already published in books and mangas all over the world (THANK YOU kind authors and mangakas for giving us this inspiration) and that I use in my FAN fictions. Grammar and Spelling: Okay so I am NOT a native speaker, this means I WILL make mistakes. Sorry but there is nothing I can do other than continue to write and hope my style improves. My AO3 Account: http:///users/Hermionechan90 Challenges: Harry Potter - Bones Crossover Lily Evans is the older halfsister of Temperance and Ross Brenan - nonmagical Universe Harry Potter - Naruto Crossover: Hermione/ Ibiki, Genma, Raidou, Hayate (I know he is dead but this is one of my favourite characters) or ... It should be after the war, Hermione should be sarcastic, bitter after she lost Harry and Ron or was betrayed by Ron, the time in which she tries to start over in the Fire land should be around the original Naruto time line - maybe before Shipuuden but it's your decision. Harry, fem Harry / Ibiki, Kakashi, Genma Again an After-War fanfic, I don't care if Harry is male or female, don't make him too powerful at least not in the shinobi way, maybe Harry can even adopt Naruto or Sasuke - after Harrys childhood I wouldn't put it past him to adopt one of the two orphans. fem Harry/ Jiraiya Arranged Marriage - enough said ;) - pretty please!!! - that would be hilarious Harry/ Ibiki Harry is 56 (looks like 30), Sakura (10) is his granddaughter through Lily - Lily dies, Harry becomes Sakuras guardian... Luna/ Maito Gai I don't know why but I had this urge - can please someone write this pairing :) Harry Potter - One Piece Crossover: Hermione/ Ace, Shanks or a pirate After the war - she gets attacked is sent to another dimension - she(18) is pregnant or not - if she is pregnant she and Ron wanted a divorce - has to learn the language, customs, has to raise her child, start a business, her magic should lose power or manifest in a different way - she has to learn it again. Harry Potter/ Pirates of the Carribean (time frame only) Hermione is the last living member of the Order of the Phoenix - Voldemort won - with nothing left to loose she attempts to travel back in time - something goes wrong and she lands in another universe at the end of the 17th century to be exact - her magic is gone and when she awakes she is told that she is Hermione the 14 year old daughter of Lord John and Lady Camille Camden who were on their way to the Carribean Isles where Lord John should have taken over a colony as Governor - the Lord and the Lady died during the journey and Hermione herself had fallen ill - the crew thinks her memory loss comes from the illness - Hermione tries to come to terms with her loss of magic and that she is never going to see her loved ones again - she decides to take this chance and start anew -at the arrival at the colony - a vassal of her family helps her to take control of the colony - from that time on Governess Hermione Camden has to fight against prejudice, treason, mistrust and all the other delightfull pleasures the colonial life offers her. Harry Potter - Stargate Atlantis Crossover: Harry/ John, Ronon, Carson,... (love or just friendship I don't care, if you want a female partner for Harry go ahead) After the war Harry (17) lives in the american muggle world - he finishes high school, starts university or goes to the USAF - studies medicine or starts a career in the USAF. - He has godchildren (from Hermione-Ron or Ron-Lavender or Neville-Ginny - or another pairing, Remus & Tonks didn't die or if they did Teddy lives with Andromeda or you have to find a solution for Harry to take him with him to Atlantis). He (27) becomes part of the Atlantis team - is an established doctor or soldier (major or captain). Harry should be around 30, 31 when one of his godchildren is turning elven - they find out he/she is a squib - the parents want to get rid of him/her, or the parents or the parent who loves the child dies so that Harry has to take care of him/ her. - He takes him/ her to Atlantis after clearing the legal things with SGC and the US). He has to become a parent - or is already (Teddy). Harry Potter - Star Trek 2009 Crossover: Harry, femHarry/ Spock The war ends when Harry is 20 - he is ambushed shortly before his 21 birthday -sent to another dimension - Harry is part or full elf - he is sarcastic and unbalanced first, his magic vanishes and his elvish ancestry can only be seen through his delicate and lightly pointed ears and his delicate bone structure - his hearing is advanced and he is also stronger than most humans - the only gift that remains is his empathy -so to make it simple he is like a half or a quarter Vulcan just without the green blood and no emotions. Harry Potter - Temeraire Helen Potter/ William Laurence Helen Lilian Potter decides to use the train in Kings Cross after Voldemort hit her with the killing curse, against the vehement protests of Dumbledore - while trying to stop her and send her back to earth, Dumbledores curse hits Helen and she is thrown of the platform and into the white fog. She awakes in the body of Lady Helen Lilian Malfoy, her counterpart in this world - alternate Helen had been pressured into marrying Draco Malfoy at 16 shortly after her parents and godfather died. Now at 18 the alternate Helen had been turned into a meek and broken trophy wife. She died during child birth, giving life to triplet girls. Helen, now a new mother of three little girls in a different world, with less than sanitary conditions sees her chance to flee and build herself a good life in the death of her husband and his father ( his mother already deceased) during the invasion of England and flees with the triplets (Andromeda, Cassiopeia und Narcissa ; nearly a year old), the Malfoy family fortune and her maids to Greece. From there she boards a spanish ship that takes her and her companions to Australia. At the end of the 8 month journey the spanish ship is nearly destroyed in a storm and Helen and her companions go from board at the chinese port where they start building themselves a new existence... Naruto Sakura/ Hayate This pairing has soooo much potential but there are so few stories about it. Naruto/ Lord of the Rings Sakura is a half elf - her heritage is revealed (though she has no idea what she is at that moment) when Konoha burns to the ground and the illusion that was bound to her body through the city defenses dissolves - without any friends and family left she travels through the Elemental countries until she reaches Middle Earth where is realizes that she is an elf - she starts searching for her father - because she knows her mother was human. (timeline - I dont care - but I think it would be more interesting if Sakura appears before the Fellowship :)) Stargate Atlantis/ Resident Evil/ Stargate SG1 Zombies are taking over Earth, NID runs experiments and in the middle is the SGC that tries to gather supplies, rescue as much humans as possible and evacuate them to Atlantis - and of course people fall in love, out of love -new pairings, old pairings, strange pairings,... plus a stressed O'Neill that is stuck in this chaos and watches the drama unfold. Walking Dead / Boondock Saints I just watched the first Season of Walking Dead and wondered what would happen if Rick and co meet the Irish twins. Especially the talk between Daryl, Murphy and Connor (and PLEASE DON'T make them Triplets that's just ... no). Walking Dead Daryl/ Sophie (parental pairing) After Carol dies (Walkers or accident I don't care) Sophie falls into a depression, the rest of the group doesn't really know how to deal with that and the mix of pity and well meant comfort doesn't help. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7497156/1/Girl_Child - LobsangLudd was kind enough to read through my prompts and to take up the general idea of this one. Walking Dead Merle/ OC After Merle was left on the roof a girl/ guy heard him shouting and decided to check it out - he/she finds Merle right before he cuts his hand of - rescues him and then they have to flee because the noise attracted more Walkers - they miss Daryl and the group and steal the white van - pick up the things of the OC run into a few troubles - gas, walkers, looters - miss the others again - follow them to CDC. Number your 12 fave Naruto characters and answer the questions! 1. Sakura 2. Shikamaru 3. Naruto 4. Kakashi 5. Ibiki 6. Shino 7. Neji 8. Itachi 9. A (Raikage) 10. Gaara 11. Kisame 12. Hayate 1) Have you ever read a Six(Shino)/Eleven(Kisame) fanfic before? No - though it should make an interesting plot line 2) Do you think Four (Kakashi) is hot? How hot? Oh yes. I love him - 8 out of 10 3) What would happen if Twelve (Hayate) got Eight (Itachi) pregnant? Hhm - okay ... honestly I have no idea - though I think they would have cute kids 4) Do you recall any fics about Nine? (A) Yes, I just read an A/ Sakura story. 5) Would Two(Shikamaru) and Six(Shino) make a good couple? I don't think so - they are both too calm/ lazy (Shika) for it to work. 6) Five/Nine (Ibiki/A) or Five/Ten (Ibiki/Gaara) ... I can see both pairings in an torture/ bdsm setting - but that's not really my cup of tea. 7) What would happen if Seven(Neji) walked in on Two(Shikamaru) and Twelve(Hayate) having sex? X3 ... okay I have to say thats kinda hot - he would join of course ;) 8) Make up a summary of a Three(Naruto)/Ten(Gaara) Fanfic. That's not hard. Tsunade sends Naruto to Suna because of the alliance (or her real reason; to have some peace) - Naruto and Gaara live together, train together,... and fall for each other 9) Is there any such thing as a One(Sakura)/Eight(Itachi) fluff? oh there is a LOT fluff - cute little Sakura-chan and slightly older Itachi-kun :) 10) Suggest a title for a Seven(Neji)/Twelve(Hayate) Hurt/Comfort fic. Desperation-Determination-Destination 11) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four(Kakashi) to de-flower One(Sakura) :) There are all kind of things that a sensei has to teach his student. 12) Does anyone on your friends list read Three(Naruto) het? Yes of course. 13) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven(Kisame) No, unfortunately. 14) Would anyone on your friends list write Two(Shikamaru)/Four(Kakashi)/Five(Ibiki) ... No, but maybe I should suggest it... 15) What might Ten(Gaara) scream at a moment of great passion? X3 DIE paperwork, die!!! 16) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight(Itachi), what song would you choose? Regret by Anathema 17) If you wrote a One(Sakura)/Six(Shino)/Twelve(Hayate) fic, what would the warning be? Warning: threesome, het, yaoi, hurt/comfort 18) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten(Gaara) to use on Two(Shikamaru) I have honestly NO idea. Pictures for my Star Trek Community: (The credit of this pics goes to the awesome drawers that allowed me to put it on my profile) http:///?qh=ion=&global=1&q=genderbentstartrek#/d2w2u3p Pictures for To Change Time and Fate: http:///#/d5n2vmg Shinobu Inoue Shiori Inoue Shiori in Russian by Darkha Inoue Shiori in German by MikiFee Inoue Shiori in Russian by jeldenbaevaazema Omakes: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10916640/1/A-Fistful-of-Silence https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11456819/1/Speaking-of-Alternate Pictures: http:///art/Inoue-Shiori-Concept-Art-497348209 http:///art/Leads-up-SI-550050259 http:///art/Kakashi-and-Shiori-636258857 YouTube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDgXaFMI7jSthJqmoztljXcVUDfr3KCrq My MUST read stories: Anything from Vixen Tail, esama, fringeperson, Batsutousai, Shana the Short, Toki Mirage, Umei no Mai, Wingwyrm, Faust VII, Araceil or paws-bells. Vapors and Clarity from ElectraSev5n For those of you who can read German and like Inu Yasha - this is one of my all time favorite authors, I especially love her Lord Sesshomaru ermittelt! series - hotepneith on (she is what actually got me into the sacred fanfiction universe ;D). |
Community: | Star Trek Gender Switch |
Focus: | Movies Star Trek: 2009 |