![]() Author has written 9 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, Death Note, and Supernatural. * Updated for 2020 * webhomes, crossposting notes, current projects, about me. AO3 -Archive Of Our Own - is my main site now, as author uberneko_zero (due to the extensive editing needed during chapter posing on FF because bold and italics are not retained, and how they keep changing formatting rules which removes section breaks between scenes or POV shifts, and that Mature fics are actually not welcome on FF.) AO3 is home to the most recent DN fic: S&M, which is not on or anywhere else. Other web-homes... Media Miner as selena281 (will be moving my stuff off of there and over to AO3. the ads and such make it practically unusable.) Y!Gallery as vash281 (not active on here right now) Deviant Art as uberneko-zero (not really active on here much) Sam and Dean Slash Archive (i heard the site is no longer being maintained. will stop using it.) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NOTE: The Transience of Memory The rest of tToM can be found on AO3 - user uberneko_zero. It has now been completely shined up and posted to AO3. (I may crosspost here on FF but it is SUCH a pain.) NEW DN FIC, called "S&M" (complete) *go to AO3* ((*a link won't work because FF sux* pisses me off tbh. just go to Archive of Our Own and look for user uberneko_zero. story name is "S&M".)) It's a long one!! This time I decided to write the whole thing before posting. That also had the added benefit of letting me beta it and re-beta it. A TON! I've been working on it for... A year and a half maybe? I forget. Basically writing when I have time or feel the writing bug. Taking breaks when I don't. As of 2019 this fic is actually complete. (dude this thing is insane long) :D ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CURRENT PROJECTS (most recent are first): -- (2020 just a few chapters left to complete story,) Supernatural fic -Asylum- * newest chaps posted on AO3 * I really love Dean and Sam and I had been having a rough time finding fanfiction for them. Took a pause in writing due to writers block on a specific part. (multiple times) It's now almost complete. -- (2020 almost complete.) Liquor Latte (working title, title not finalized). the island one. original work - m/m. Main character, dragged along on vacation with 'family', mother and stepfather, though it is as a third wheel. he'd had a turbulent childhood, neglect, and some things he's suppressed. he's college age but was told to live at home due to finances. left to his own devices on the island, he meets someone. it's intriguing to him, and yet the nightmares have started up again. -- (2020 almost complete.) Oblivion. original work - m/m.this one is dark, and has themes of excessive sex, drug use, some noncon, and mindfucks. however, there is an actual story unfolding. it isn't a PWP. Note: the original works above are not posted anywhere, as i intend to publish. however, short original works are avail on AO3. --//-- on hold --//-- (On hold) The Search - akuroku (that's axel x roxas) one shot follow up to The Transience of Memory. i have a few chapters left to work out and i will possibly post in one massive dump :) ((ETA 2-10-09: this story has been poking at me with a stick. hard. when i finish the DN fic, i may give it some love. i am now in a state of mind where i can actually WRITE the ending to it.)) (*update 2016* prob not gonna finish this one. It's so backburner. Lolz) (2016 On hold) Hikaru no Go (doujinshi) - 30 pgs. i just have to undertake the massive job of inking and toning it. ((ETA 2-10-09: AHhaha yeah. uh... i plan on working on this soon... but my list is looking a little full. but it still may be my 1st (or 2nd) project to do in Manga Studio.)) (2016 On hold) Death Note (doujinshi) - 46 pgs and still going. it is based off of the fic "Brilliance Tarnished" which is amazing so go read it. yay for bondage non-con! i have yet to ink or tone it, but am learning manga studio so i CAN. :D ((ETA 2-10-09: i am now at 62 pgs. i am also realizing that this may well, upon completion, be a full size manga. that both makes me excited, and makes me cringe. what have i gotten myself into?? on the plus side, i am getting a LOT better at everything and that is some huge payoff. i still want to do this for a living.)) (2016 Wth... I still never finished this??) KH2 akuroku (doujinshi) - 7 pgs. just a short little thing. PG this time, to counter my first doujin ever that was decidedly not. lol. i just have to ink and tone it. ((ETA 2-10-09: wow, now almost a whole year later and i haven't even touched this... argh. well, writing took precedence i suppose!)) (2016 On hold) Naruto FIC - (concept) i have a Gaara x Naruto fic that has been a'brewing for well over a year now. i have the concept, notes, some dialog and scenes written, and already did most of the necessary research. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo About Me: if you are reading this... hi. :) i like creating stuff, through writing and also art (recently, watercolor. i post that and other works on IG/insta). life is a battle. i sometimes have motivation drop out on me, which is out of my control, but i do my best with what i've got and try to pick up the pieces when they reappear. i have designs on posting some original works to online publishing platforms, but feel overwhelmed TBH. for now, i'm just going to get the 2 books completed, then try and figure out how everything works. i have 2 catdogs. flamepoint siamese. they are adopted, littermates, and they drive me insane but also make me laugh so i guess it evens out. one i sometimes call dumbo, because good god he is dopey a f sometimes. monumental stupids. the other one is much better but he just doesn't listen. they both have their moments. i also like the great outdoors, but internally admit that it partially scares the crap out of me. trees are life. appreciate the trees, and oxygen. |