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![]() Author has written 126 stories for NCIS, CSI, CSI: Miami, Stargate: SG-1, CSI: New York, Dark Angel, Supernatural, Wrestling, Grey's Anatomy, Ironman, Avengers, Doctor Who, Teen Wolf, Walking Dead, Inception, Les Misérables, Pitch Perfect, Yu Yu Hakusho, Psych, and Sherlock Holmes. My friends have told me that if Prince Septimus from Stardust and Greg House from House MD had a love child...it would be me ;) Stuff about me as an author: I chose the name Emono because it's what I am, self-contradicting. It means "prey", but I'm very aggressive in real life. Sometimes on sites I'll pair it with '-omae', which is a rude Japanease ending. I used to be a huge otaku, but now I focus more on real-life stuff. I don't post stories until there finished, so don't worry about stuff like that. I love it here snuggles in so I don't think I'm leaving anytime soon! :) I have an average typing speed of 50-60 WPM, I'm pretty sure. I write at school and stuff, so I finish stories very quickly. Ok, so if you're looking for links, here they are! A link to my Photo Gallery for "Tessellation" If you're here for some banners from my Supernatural story "One Soul Condemned To Heaven and Hell" , you must venture here And if you love me that much, you can find some of my pure slash work at my writing journal. It's filled with lots of Bandslash and pure RPS. Maybe you're looking for the wrestling gallery? Why, it's right over here, my friend! This amazing author, Hardly Here, who I love to read and who is kind enough to review my stuff, put this about little 'ol ME on her profile! "Emono - Hey J K Rowling I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish but the Under The Rose series is the best series of all time. OF ALL TIME." I died, I just started laughing hysterically. You are awesome, HH, I wanna let you know that! I wanna give a few shout-outs to some people who help inspire me to keep writing and who I love to see have reviewed or mailed me. I've had long, hilarious talks with these people, and they are the shizzie-nizzle. Takerslady: I love that your harsh on my Phil!muse, and I'm glad I could entertain you with my Taker!muse. You review every chapter, and I love you for it. You must forgive me if I missed you, my beloved online-friends. I have limited memory, and most of it's filled with WWE pay-per-view info. I know the heights and weights of wrestlers, that's where my friends list goes. And all my other reviewers, I love you! Stop the Pairing Wars! By copying and pasting this in your profile, you vow to respect other pairings and the people that like them. You shalt not insult them, explain why they can't be together, or say that they would rather be with someone else. You shalt have your opinions but shalt not insult pairings. You shalt avoid them if you hate them. You shalt keep an open mind about stories even if you despise the pairing. You shalt paste this in your profile. Emono's personal Tumblr full of Sherlock, Doctor Who, Avengers, and slash Looking for some Stony loving? Black Pepper? Spideypool? Check out the Ever Fallen 'verse, it has it's own Tumblr full of photosets, quotes, updates, and fun Looking for a picture of Peter Parker's underground fighter suit? Look no further! EVER FALLEN VERSE FIC LIST (in order to be read): Ever Fallen in Love With Someone? (Steve/Tony, Natasha/Pepper, faint Deadpool/Spiderman, past Howard/Steve) I'm Scared You'll Forget Me (straight up Natasha/Pepper) There's Never Been So Much At Stake (Steve/Tony, Bruce/Clint, Deadpool/Spiderman) Want a Walking Dead fix? Are you in love with The Boondock Saints? Check out my Walking Saints crossover with some delicious Connor/Daryl and cute Murphy/Glenn in "Saints and Walkers". Hop onto the tumblr account for the fic and get updates, quotes, and awesome gif-sets Les Mis Things: Enjolras/Grantaire Fanmix: Part I, Part II Patron-Minette Fancast: Montparnasse, Gueulemer, Claquesous, and Babet. Chapter photosets and quotes on my personal tumblr account Pitch Perfect Things: Inspired by this fic Fic on A03, there's a fanmix and the photoset links are in the fics notes |
Community: | Under the Rose 'Verse |
Focus: | Misc Wrestling |