Author has written 2 stories for X-Men: Evolution. My avatar: Yes, I made it. No, I did not come up with the idea. Saw another version (with blue instead of red, I think.) in a bigger size in a Romy slideshow on youtube. Loved it, but could never figure out who made it or where to find it, so I just made my own version. For more by SkyRogue, visit my livejournal! (http:///) If you DO happen to like one of my avatars/icons, please credit when you use them. Just tell them you didn't make it, I did, and possibley direct them to my lj or here. If you have a livejournal, feel free to leave me comments on there, if not, go ahead and message me here. Hey, I'm Skylar. First off, some basics. I've lived in South Texas for all of my life. I'm a girl (just clarifying, since Skylar isn't really a common girl's name). I play flute in my high school's marching band, and band is a big part of my life. I started reading fanfiction in the fall of 2005. I started with Harry Potter and was obsessed with that for a while, but when X3 came out, I saw it and it rekindled the obsession I held in 4th grade with the x-men, so now I'm into that, though I still like HP. NEW: I've been into Heroes (the NBC show) for a while, but just recently started reading fanfiction on it. I'm in the planning process of a fic I'm thinking about writing for it, but I'm not sure yet. I am also in the tenative plannings of going to work with Romako to co-author his fic Unsung Heroes. Look for me on that. So, my shippings. Well, in the X-Men Fandom, it's gotta have Rogue in it. :) She's been my favorite character ever since 4th grade. For the movieverse, I like to see her paired with Remy (OF COURSE), but Ryro fics are a close second to that. Then, I'll read pretty much anything with her in it, regardless of the pairing, as long as it's well written. I don't really like Rogan fics, but I have nothing against them. I still read them occasionally and watch Rogan vids on youtube, but I just think that it's kinda gross cuz Logan's like a bajillion years older than her and... just ew. I love to read ROMY fics in the X-Men: Evolution section (they just rock). But in Evo, I can't really see Rogue with anyone else, so I kinda steer clear from other pairings. For Harry Potter (and I know I'm gonna get a lot of grief from this if anyone ever reads it), I'm a sucker for HARMONY. I know, I know, never gonna happen. But I can still hope, right? I started out as a regular ol' cannon shipper, then I looked at and my life was CHANGED! The power of suggestion, eh? But beside Harry/Hermione, I like to see Ron with Luna, but it's not a must. Then I like Ginny with Neville or Draco, but that doesn't really matter either. Luna can be with Neville, too, they're cute. And now with the 5th movie out, I can actually see Harry/Luna... I don't like to read Ron/Hermione fics. They just get on my nerves. Sorry. And for Heroes, I don't really have a ship I really advocate. All cannon ships are fine, and then I prefer Claire to be with Zach, but there's really not enough of those. Even though I sometimes find it disgusting to see Peter and Claire together (it's incest now, GROSS.), I understand that that's almost in all the fics that Claire's in, so I kinda have to read them. Don't get me wrong, there's some that are really good, I just don't go looking for them is all. Just some stuff about my life: I just recently joined a band that doesn't march, we're called Musical Epiphany. I play the guitar, we have two pianists, one that doubles as a flute player, a bassist, a drummer, a girl singer and a guy singer. We currently have one song, which I think is pretty good considering at this point we've had one meeting. I'm kinda excited about it, I've always wanted to be in a band, but never tried, and I didn't think this was gonna work, but apparently it is working! So, when I become famous, remember me. I might get you free tickets XD My Fics (in the works/completed): Better Be Heaven: Sigh My First Fic. Well, this is a short little one-shot song-fic to Better Be Heaven by Stars (great band, by the way) revolving around the Romy shipping. It's ok. I could do better. COMPLETE. The Darkness Is Her Savior: Ok, I'm really sorry about this one. I just started it and WHAM suddenly I had no inspiration to write it anymore. I'm hoping I'll get around to it sometime to complete it, but I don't know at the moment... ON INDEFINATE HIATUS. Unsung Heroes: A Clach adventure fic. Ok, so I AM co-authoring this piece (at least part of it) with Romako (awesome dude). At this point, my assigned part is to write the complete "Rescue Scene" (by that I mean the rescue of Ted) So if you're reading that fic, be sure to review! 'Cause I love 'em! IN-PROGRESS. (this story can be found on Romako's page. He wrote everything up until the rescue scene in chapter 7. yay, Romako!) My Fics (in my head): 1. I've been planning forever to somehow write an X-Men/Harry Potter crossover featuring Rogue, but I've never gotten past the major plot points and a few scenes in my head, so I doubt it's ever going to appear on here. I don't know. 2. Lately I've been thinking about writing a Claire-centric adventure fic over in the Heroes section, but I have a few scenes in my head but I keep changing my mind about this fic's direction, so I haven't started writing on anything just yet. This is a work quite possible, though, so maybe keep an eye out for it. Or possibley encourage me to do it. Ha. 3. X-Men/The Hills Have Eyes AU adventure? Tell me if this intrigues you. Well, I doubt anyone will ever read this, but if you need a !!!!BETA!!!! i'm willing to !!!!BETA!!!! for you, FREE OF CHARGE!!!!! ;) but really, I seriously want to !!!!BETA!!!! something, so drop me a line if you're interested. I have a knack for editing stuff. So ya. If you wanna talk to me, you can IM me on AIM at Rogue0567 or email and Rogue0567@ See ya! this is really long, I've just realized. Sorry. 92 percent of American teens would die if Abercombie and Fitch told them it was uncool to breathe. Copy this in your profile if you would be the 8 percent that would NOT be laughing your ass off because they may have been stupid but they still died and now the world only has 8 percent of it's young population left and that really sucks and so now when you're old there's gonna be no more doctors or pilots or nurses or anything because your whole generation is DEAD. Yes, I added that part onto that thingy. And yes, I know it was probabley a joke, just a stupid joke made by some kid who felt like being punk. Copy this into your profile if you like bagels! |
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