![]() Author has written 2 stories for Star Wars, and Teen Titans. Hi I'm a girl that's been addicted to fanfiction since I was in college. I'm really more of an 'idea person' than a writer, though. I like to think up interesting characters, plots and scenes but I’m a little weak in the actually writing department. I’m doing this in the hopes of improving this weakness, and 'thank you' to anyone that helps me accomplish this. One of my favortie things to do is think "what if" when i'm finished watching or reading something. "What if" the the hero lost, "what if" the situation went differently? I like fan fiction because some people have already thought the same things as me and have written them down so that i can read them, or new ones that I have never even considered. I really only read two types of stories, either Luke and Vader, father/son fics or Slade and Robin, master/apprentice fics. My favorite genres are angst followed by drama and action/adventure. My least favorites are Humor and Romance. I do have some stories that are classified as 'romance' but they are usually something else too and thats why I read them. Why only these two types, you might ask? And the answer is that I LOVE the balance of good and evil and the battle that often follows. I believe it is a war that is fought in every persons soul and I love to see how different people write out the conflict. 'Conflict' is what makes life interesting. My Fics Conflict or Balance? - There's no hidden meanings in this title. Anyone reading/watching Star Wars knows of the conflict in Luke and Vader. And as for balance, it's all about the darkness in Luke and the light in Vader, my friends. So now we have our question... is it conflict between these two or balance? Apprentices: The Old and the New - This one is different. Both stories started on a whim but this one is ment to be a short chaptered fic. Taking place during Aftershocks pt 1 and 2. I am currently working on this one so anyone that thought I was giving it up is wrong. Also DarkF4s is writting a fic titled Betrayed Apprentice that is based off of the founding idea behind this story...Terra is terrible as Slade's apprentice and now Slade wants Robin back. So if you like this idea as much as I do go and check out his fic as well. And on that note I have many many ideas floating around in my head. A few other authors have seen how annoying all these ideas can be. There are a couple of one-shots floating around here, written by some of my absolute favorite authors, that I have helped plant the seeds for. Dark Austral and dlsky have already fallen victim to my herd of 'plot bunnies'. lol As for myself, I have started 5 different Teen Titans stories and 3 other Star Wars stories. I know that's terrible considering how slow I am about updating my other stories but coming up with ideas is my passion and not being able to do them justice is my curse. I will not start posting them on here until I at least have finished one of my current stories. I hate it when fics are left dead in the water and like I said I'm bad at updating as it is... Favorite Quotes “Hello, sick people…and their loved ones. In the interest of saving time and avoiding a lot of boring chit chat later. I am Doctor Gregory House. You can call me Greg. I am one of three doctors staffing this clinic this morning. I am a bored certified diagnostician with a double specialty in infectious diseases. I am also the only doctor employed at this clinic who is forced to be here against his will. But not to worry, this job could be done by a monkey with a bottle of Motrin. Specking of which if you are peculiarly annoying you may see me reach for this. -shakes bottle- This is Vicodin. It’s mine, you can’t have any. And no, I do not have a pain management problem. I have a 'pain' problem. But who knows maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’m too stoned to tell. So, who wants me?" (House MD) "Without the dark there is no light." (i'm not sure who said this but its true) "What you don't understand you can make mean anything" (Chuck Palahniuk) "Don't burden yourself with the secrets of scary people" (Carmin Falcone from Batman Begins) "Everyday I wake up and it's still the same boring present. I don't think this future thing exists." (Cale from Titan A.E.) "Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't." (Shakespeare) or "There is method to my madness" "All the world in a grain of sand" (I have learned that is quote is in fact NOT from Laura Croft, she says "View the world in a grain of sand" and so I guess it must be mine now -shrugs- ) "If I wasn't so busy I would have more time to do nothing" something of my own along with "Deja vu, Is my life so boring that I have to repeat it?" Oh and one last note if anyone has a good Luke and Vader or Slade and Robin story (that are not slash) that I haven't already looked at. I would love it if someone would send me an email. It's interesting going through other people's Favorite Lists but it's time consuming. Thanks ahead of time. Laterness, BITD |