Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Recomendations to other sites: On Skyhawke dot com , I've just been reading tonite author number 746, amorette, and getting a nice laugh out of her one-shots. So far my fav is 'Obligation is a Pain' where Snape is haunting Harry while he's the DADA professor and pestering him with advice and reminders. Don't be put off by the header where the author says she started it as part of a slash challenge, she ended up writing something without a bit of slash in it and really subtly hillarious... much like the one above "Two words that mean so much" which is about Snape reviewing his collection of resignation letters to Dumbles... the two words are 'I Quit' and once again show a great subtle humor. just had to mention since I cant put them on my C2 or Fav list her... Feb 12, 2010 Hello! I'm not dead... just no internet access for a while & I've been moving around a lot looking for work while writing some original stuff. I do expect to be able to work on fanfiction sometime over the next 2 months. I'm using a wifi at a fast food place now, but haven't been able to move my stuff over to the new computer yet. Thanks for all the support & concern. The other day I pulled down ( cut / paste ) the versions of my stories here on FFN and was surprised as I read through them how many errors I found that I thought I'd fixed! Obviously, I never uploaded the most recent versions w/ those little wierd things fixed... Sorry for that! when I get my old computer running long enough to move things over to this one, I'll fix that, but I think I uploaded 'cleaner' versions to way back when. Paula I'm an American who likes to travel, so I've spent some time in the UK and elsewhere. I love writing; but i've not been doing fan fic for very long. I'm working on my first full HP story now and will update as chapters have gone thru the edit and 'sitting' phase. ( This is where the chpt sits while I write new chpts and come back and change things because of new ideas / directions or a character is demanding something later that I've made impossible earlier! ) This phase usually only lasts until I'm around 4 chapters beyond. I rated the fic on the high side simply because I've seen / heard horror stories about stuff being pulled. Now its much lower than its rating, maybe some cursing etc. But, I am keeping the possibility of adding some stuff much further into the story, so its going to keep a high rating for safeties sake. I thank everyone who has taken the time to read and review - I will get to all of you with replies, it's just taking me a bit of time! After a reader recommended the story on a group, the readership has exploded and once I got behind, its been hard to catch up, but I'll get there, promise. :-) I may be slow; but i'd rather get it right vs post something that I felt was crap and that then caused problems later in the story. Thanks again for all the support ie: reviews, author / story alert's and those who've tagged the story as a favorite. It really does mean a lot to me to know the story is liked and enjoyed. Thanks everyone! Revised chapters: Chapter 1-12; have been loading further minor revisions on HPFandom website under my same name. Right now that site is a little behind the updates here. Wish Carefully has been revised. Thanks much for the reviews, the comments really do help. There have been a few where their writing hints have helped a great deal and I owe you claire for the sections I've finished. You reminded me of how I had written the previous chapters and what I was forgetting when I got stuck 'trying too hard'! Paula |
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