![]() It's been years since anything worth while as been written... Thousands and thousands and thousands of stories and there is but one or two worth reading let alone following to come back to. Nothing but harem this and super genus that and dark edge rejects. What an utterly depressing fact. How originality has seemed to become something more rare then a fanfiction about genuine love and not a relationship between 15 fucking people. I realize and accept that anime in particular is more sexual in nature but give me a fucking break. Every. Single. Fucking. Story. Is the same bullshit over and over and over and over and over and over again. There is nothing new at all. The same asinine plots followed by the same asinine "relationships" followed by the same responses when you point something out. A hive mind of degeneracy that seems to know no depths. People keep saying I have impossible standards for a "free site". Sure I admit it! My standards are high it seems. Don't be a horny retard, don't bait people into reading a story about some shitty OC that you just stole a name for, respect the characters you are writing about, and don't use cliched ideas. I never realized that being a normal person was so difficult for all of you. Anyone who "enjoys" Sasuke/Hinata are degenerate piles of shit who shouldn't have been allowed to live past infancy. That is an objective fact. The world is a worse place with scum like you in it and if you're apart of this degenerate scum pool of worthless apes learn to put your shitty fucking "stories" with the creepy revenge porn paring so that regular, normal, not fucking worthless human beings can filter out your god awful garbage out. It has come to my attention that people on this site do not understand the concepts of what an OOC is, and what it is, is just an OC you stole a name for. OOC means out of character. NOT A NEW CHARACTER. If your "OOC character" doesn't have the same core tenants of whatever character you're writing about, hate to break it to you, but that's not the same fucking character. If they don't look, act, feel, or believe, whatever they do normally that's A FUCKING OC. Basically there is no such thing as OOC. By definition that means they're not the same fucking character and are now just an OC you invented. I do not understand how this is such a hard concept for people to understand. If you do not like the canon of whatever character you're writing about, why the fuck are you even writing about it in the first place?? You're obviously not a fan of that character if you want to change them so? I'd LOVE to hear someone try to justify this bullshit and at the same time try to argue that they still like the character they so obviously hate. To outlive you tainted trash on this site is the most vindicating feeling imaginable. Please note that any and all of you who I've left reviews too, if you die today I will dance on your graves. For all that you are, you are worthless and it's a mercy to have you forever gone from the world. I think the greatest advance I can give to any person looking to write a story is to avoid the phrase, "You see". It is this single phrase that will ruin almost any story simply because it's just that lazy. Instead of giving an in universe reason for information flow to readers this one phrase is just used to info dump at a moments notice. If you can't set up a conversation to have information or an explanation or anything of the sort without resorting to "you see" whatever you're trying to write doesn't make sense in universe to be revealed. Another good tip is to not just interject Japanese words into an English story. It's fucking strange, breaks up the flow of reading, and unless you know what it means or how to say it makes no sense at all. Just use English. Looking back on the past 15 years of reading, mostly Naruto and Star Wars fanfiction, I've come to a realization that almost exclusively no one actually either understands or cares about the characters they say they love. In almost every single story I've read no one seems to actually ever remember what they're like or how they act or anything. Everyone's got some type of head canon they think is actually the truth or they misconstrued it with something else or they think they somehow know better than the people who created the characters. It's really destroyed the entire fanfiction trope too. People making up shit to explain things that's already been explained, people using overused and absolutely dogshit cliches for stories that are quite literally decades old. I really don't understand how any of this is even happening at this point. I would get it if authors are like 12, but the people writing aren't that old anymore so it has to come down to being lazy. I don't understand why every single person on every single fanfiction site can be so fucking perverse and pathetic. Like every single story is some degenerate fetish that every god damn story now on every fucking site feels more like some deranged parasites fucking self insert than an actual story about actual characters. I cannot express in words how much I despise the world I live in knowing that I am surrounded by degenerate sub-humans. Trash so void of an actual personality and actual emotions to the point that all they can feel is some vouge notion of "horny" and fully incapable of thinking past jacking off to some of the most genuine fucked up shit I've ever managed to see. I hate every single one of you so much. |