![]() Author has written 2 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender. Please view the latest chapter of Distorted Reality for any news pertaining to it. Edit Dec 16th, 2022: Dropping some more links to other DR-related work! Thank you to everyone, as always. I wish there was an easier way to share everything! Remember, remove the spaces! Rocket Axxonu, the artist/author of the DR webcomic, has a Tumblr page with any news and info related to the comic. On that site, there's also a page with (better organized) links to all of this DR-related media! There are plenty of places to read the comic, all of which can be accessed right through the Tumblr page. I owe so much to you, Rocket - thank you for everything! The tumblr: avatardistortedreality . tumblr . com Edit 6/25/20: Fixed some of the links to all the Distorted Reality fan media! Thank you all so much! Some of it seems gone all these years later, but most of those links should be working now, just remove the spaces! Well, I'm back. Trying to work on Distorted Reality again for the first time in almost ten years. It is currently the only fanfic I'm working on. -Edited 5/28/20 TRANSLATIONS Special thanks to ObeliskX for the translation of Distorted Reality into Russian! Sooo coool :D http://www. lastavatar. org/forum/23-2980-1 And now a translation in Spanish in the works by PolarMarie1264 over on ArchiveOfOurOwn!: https: //archiveofourown. org/works/30932969/chapters/76390313 Here is another, more recent Russian translation by Red Jessicaru! https : // ficbook. net /readfic /11223899 The comic has also been translated into Russian and Polish - the links are available on the DR tumblr page! AUDIOBOOK avatardistortedreality-podcast . tumblr . com : For the audiobook currently in the works by Madam_Melon_Meow and arealpeople! This is another huge project and they're doing a fantastic job with it. The audiobook is available on Anchor and pretty much every other podcast hosting site you can think of; all the links are in the tumblr! EBOOK https ://drive. google. com/file/d/1ysPrepZN2AW9cKV7SZj77XgqmKYZeWBi/view?usp=sharing - Here's a download link. Layout and design by Q.F. Schroll, thank you for making this fic more convenient for others to read! (I will continually update this when I can to ensure it is up to date; it only has content up to the most recent chapters). https :// /u/s!AgSvuf6OBVSgw1nstNyZhbXos77d? e=aHGXUx - Here's the public OneDrive folder for the same work! Art, fiction, videos, and the comic for Distorted Reality. Thanks everyone! It's really an honor!! Let's hope these spaced out links work... ART http://avocadolove. deviantart. com/art/Prince-Sokka-86526129 : by Avocadolove! Thank you! http://baithin. deviantart. com/art/Distorted-Reality-Season-1-102050510 : It's on my dA profile, since he doesn't have one. Thanks for the graphic! Graphics for Books 2 and 3 are coming soon. Done by Mramirez1991. http://baithin. deviantart. com/art/Distorted-Reality-Season-2-117837201 By the same artist! http://tigerkitten907 .deviantart. com/art/Distorted-Reality-clip-105548184 - by Tigerkitten907. Thank you so much! Azula in Normal Dress: - Done by nebunedzar! Thanks a lot, it's really cool! Edit: Unfortunately this one doesn't seem to be up anymore! Ice Prince - A picture of Prince Sokka by nebunedzar. Thanks again! Edit: Like the previous one, it seems to be gone. http://i. imgur. com/3cI4gh.jpg - Wonderful work! Thank you very much, Maleviii4!! By the same artist http://i. imgur. com/XlfrT. jpg Yayy!! http://stasysolitude .deviantart. com/art/Distorted-Reality-172983342?q=gallery&qo=9 http://stasysolitude .deviantart .com/art/Distorted-Reality-Book-1-Fire-175441654?q=&qo= Both by StasySolitude, a wonderful artist and very kind person. I'm so sorry this wasn't up on my profile sooner!! http://s15 .radikal .ru/i188/1012/a4/2c935172290b. jpg by Sherr http://s56. radikal. ru/i152/1012/53/bbdb67f5d3d0. jpg- by Sherr. Thank you so much, I'm glad my fic was able to inspire this! http://s39 .radikal. ru/i086/1009/72/49ce9141a826. jpg : - by StasySolitude Enma: - by StasySolitude. Another one that seems lost to time, unfortunately. Dragon Shao: - by Stasysolitude. Seems lost, just like the other one. Either way, thank you! https://www. deviantart. com/axxonu/gallery/61772460/avatar-distorted-reality Webcomic by Axxonu. Holy cow, thank you so much! https: //at. tumblr. com/roththeprimordial/avatar-distorted-reality-reunion-spoiler/ ei2glzncd0mn: Artwork by Ctreuse109, commissioned by RothThePrimordial on Tumblr! Absolutely gorgeous rendition of Aang and Azula's reunion, I love it! PROSE Distorted Avatar Reality 14: The Fortuneteller by donki-shouben. Thanks! Avatar - The Last Firebender (A Distorted Reality reimagining) - by Carrotine Clara. Ongoing. Awesome stuff, thank you and good luck!! An Honest Conversation - (An "AU" oneshot examining a conversation between Aang and DR Katara) - by Northern Goshawk. Love it, thank you!! Distorted Reality - The Puppet Show - An alternate take of Chapter 64's "The Puppetmaster," in which I discussed a hypothetical puppet show put on by Hama in the style of "The Ember Island Players." Roth Prime went ahead and did it, and it's hilarious! VIDEOS Related more to the comic, but Gabulo over on Youtube has been working on animating and voicing the comic scenes with a super talented team of voice actors! Check them out! https ://www .youtube. com/channel/UCNfd87JzLk5gSiaTy9mGvEA Rocket's Youtube account, with her Distorted Reality trailer!! - https ://www .youtube. com/channel/UCSobnxo06rk8EVms2NtZ92Q Zelda Black's Azula voiced readings of the comics: https: //www. youtube. com/watch?v=32RYRwZrxcg Check out this Distorted Reality trailer made by smrguysirman123 (also Mramirez1991) https://web .archive. org/web/20190915160739/https://www. youtube. com/watch?v=ssRkoeDILpo&gl=US&hl=en. Thank you so much! Edit: Seems like Viacom took this one down, unfortunately. EDIT 2: Huge thanks to Rocket Axxonu for finding it again before Youtube took it down!! Here's a Distorted Reality opening, complete with Azula voiceover, by boomerang95! Such amazing work and so much dedication put into this -- thank you so much! https://www. instagram. com/p/ CkKZR3jjsdM/?igshid =MDJmNzVkMjY= OTHER The DR TVTropes page - https: //tvtropes. org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/DistortedReality DR over on AO3, if you're more inclined to read it there (also by me, with the username Baithin): https: //archiveofourown. org/works/24457678/chapters/59022610 CowTrain and Madam_Melon_Meow also went and created a DR subreddit! Join us at r/Distorted_Reality ! There is also a Discord server created by SenseiLokiNovels! https: //discord. gg/kXZPPnbN I'm blown away by all of this every day!! |
Community: | The Jetzula Cult |
Focus: | Cartoons Avatar: Last Airbender |