Author has written 4 stories for Supernatural, Losers, Boondock Saints, and Walking Dead. Updating this thing again. Obviously I don't write stories a lot, but when I do (I drink Dos Equis) they're angsty. Chances are it'll be Supernatural, Boondock Saints, or Walking Dead (most likely Walking Dead now). I'm 25, in university for Psychology and Sociology, so my stuff tends to focus on the thoughts and feelings of individuals. Basically I write my stories like a British TV drama. Also, I tend to hurt the characters I like, but I'm nice and put them back together (for the most part). When I'm not banging my head against the wall in university, I'm usually messing around with photoshop, taking screencaps and making gifs, wallpapers and even on occasion, music videos. Boom. |
Faye Dartmouth (310) | Phx (153) | Rachelly (4) |