![]() Author has written 36 stories for Harry Potter. Find me at my MMADfan blog. LINKS: Fanfiction.net has disabled all external links in profiles because of spammers. Another reason to hate spammers! So if you're looking for my HP fanfic blog, it's at , and all of the links that used to be here for stories, archives, downloadable fanfic eBooks, and so on, can be found on my blog. Check out the stories in my C2 for some more good reads in a variety of genres with various 'ships. I have begun archiving my completed stories of all ratings at AO3, An Archive of Our Own, Search for MMADfan at AO3, . I also post my fics to The Petulant Poetess archive, . Voted favorite Legacy fic in the Gen Fic Category in the HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards for Spring/Summer 2013. ("Legacy fic" was any fic not written within a year of the poll.) Full Summary in first chapter. A complex Snape-centric fic. AU HP Years 6 and 7. Not DH-compliant (only partially HBP-compliant). Main Characters: Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore, Hermione Granger, Tom Riddle (Voldemort), and Poppy Pomfrey. Death's Dominion is included in the following C2s, where you may find other fics you like, too: 1. acg223's need to read A Minerva McGonagall story. Voted Favorite Legacy Fic in the Minerva McGonagall Category of the HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards for Spring/Summer 2013. Full summary available in chapter one. Resolving a Misunderstanding is listed in the following C2 archives; check them out for other fics you may enjoy: 1. A1 HP Fanfic (my own C2) A Long Vernal Season An AU postwar Snape-centric fic, the sequel to Death's Dominion, is now being posted to An Archive of Our Own and to the Petulant Poetess moderated fanfiction archive (find the links to them on my blog). Rated M overall, with some MA content, but most content T. Summary: Severus Snape had believed that, for him, life after the Dark Lord was an impossibility, that his death was not merely justice, but necessity. He has survived, though, and now he must learn to live his new, unexpected life. Characters include Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Poppy Pomfrey, Gareth McGonagall, and Filius Flitwick, among others. "The Sorting of Suzie Sefton" and Draco's Heart, here on , are both companion fics to A Long Vernal Season. HP-Canon and My Stories: Resolving a Misunderstanding and all the stories set in the same universe as RaM are not DH-compliant. (Resolving a Misunderstanding was begun before DH came out.) I try to be canon compliant through OotP and (partially) HBP. All HP information available post-20 July 2007 is irrelevant for RaM and for most other Harry Potter fanfiction stories I have written. I have written a few canon-compliant fics, including "The Fifth Gryffindor" (which is here on ffnet) and "Stray." GENERAL DISCLAIMER: As I assume everyone who is able to read knows, Harry Potter and the Harry Potter universe and its characters belong entirely to J.K. Rowling and those with whom she has contracts assigning certain of her copyrights (e.g., Warner Bros.). This is fanfiction intended as personal entertainment and a humble homage to JKR’s wonderful fictional universe. It is not intended to infringe on her copyright in any way, but is intended to promote the reading and enjoyment of her books. I make no profit from this and strongly doubt my story has the power to divert any profit from JKR! ;D Please do not take any of my stories as an infallible source for information about the real world, whether scientific, cultural, social, literary, musical, medical, veterinary, geographic, or otherwise. I strive for verisimilitude, and borrow heavily from the real world, including world history, literary history, science, nature, and world culture, but verisimilitude is different from strict accuracy. I hope you enjoy the stories! About MMADfan: I grew up a Yankee, not terribly far from that beautiful country of Canada, but I lived for years in Germany and the UK and have travelled extensively. I like animals, at least those that don't want to eat me, especially cats, Parson Russell terriers, and border collies. |