not if ur superstisious you one and only wish dont look ahead. 1. someone opp. sex 2.fav color. red, black, blue, green, yellow 3. 1st initial 4.month of birth . or white? 6. name of someone (same sex) 7. fav number 8.california or florida? 9. lake or ocean? 10. make a realistic wish answers 1. completly in love with this person 2. red= alert full of love, black= conservative and agressive, blue= spontaneous sensual, green= relaxed laied back, yellow= happy give good advice 3.a-k= lot of love and friendship, l-r= enjor life love soon to blossom, s-z= like to help others and love is good. 4. jan-mar= good year will fall in love with someone unexpected a-june= strong love wont last but memories will.july-sept= good year life changing experinces (good), oct-dec= not good love life but will find soulmate. = life in different direction. will be hard but you will be happy it happened. white= will have a friend who confides in u.will do anything for u. 6. best friend 7.close friends in a lifetime. 8.cali=u like adventure, flori=laidback 9.lake = loyal to friends/ love. reserved ocean=spontaneous and like to please people 10.will happen if you repost in nex hour. will come true before next birthday. |
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