Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. 2021 UPDATE(!) Just wanted to give a quick thank-you to people who have pointed out that a copy of It's Not A Love Potion is circling wattpad, re-uploaded by a user named Naticide. FYI, I did not give permission for Naticide to copy my fic (nor did I give permission for the podfics of it that are on YouTube) but I'm not too mad – I wrote INALP when I was 16/17, and I do think there are a fair few issues with it, both in terms of writing and in terms of consent. I'm happy for someone else to take the blame for it. ;) However, people taking fics and re-uploading them to different sites without permission is a big problem. While I don't personally care in this case, many others would be absolutely heartbroken. Fandom is supposed to be a fun place, for creators and consumers – please be careful who you choose to support, especially on sites like wattpad where re-uploads are common. ~Crystal x TRANSLATIONS FOR IT'S NOT A LOVE POTION Portuguese here by the wonderfully brilliant WeHeartFics French here by the stunningly marvellous Yaolleys, also hpfanfiction (point) org/fr/viewstory (point) php (point d'interrogation) sid (signe égal) 33334, by the perfectly magnificent Grain de Sable Czech here by the fantastically excellent Nel-ly Somniatora Spanish at laslagrimasdelfenix (punto) foroactivo (punto) com/t231-it-s-not-a-love-potion, by the gorgeously superb Traduccion Lagrimas del Fenix |