Author has written 7 stories for Lizzie McGuire, and Inuyasha. 1/9/05 Well, I guess I need to update this page and let everyone know that I haven't fallen off the face of the planet. Not quite, anyway. I do appologize for my lack of updates on my stories. I have received many kind reviews lately, asking me to continue with them, and I want you to know that it is my intent to do so. However, last September, I took a job that deployed me to Florida to work on the Hurricane Catastrophy Team, and I am still there. I work very long hours, 7 days a week, and have only had 4 days off since I started the job. When I do get time off, I try to have a bit of a life and sleep. I'm not complaining ~ I love the job. I am merely trying to explain my long absence, and to assure those kind people who read and review my stories that I do indeed intend to continue writing them. Someday. When we finally finish helping these people get their lives back in order. Until then, thank you all so much for your kind words and support. 6-7-04 Oh, wow! I cannot believe it's been so long since I've updated this page! Ok, here's the deal. If you're desperate enough to be looking at my profile, thank you. You obviously want to read my stories and are wondering if I will ever update, or if I'm dead or have fallen off the face of the planet. Well, the thing is. . . I took this trip on the USS Minnow, which was supposed to last for three hours, but a storm came in and we ended up deserted on a tropical island with nothing for communication but an old radio and coconuts as spare parts... Oh, wait a minute. . . that was an old tv show I ended up falling asleep watching last night, thinking it had possibilities for an IY fanfic... But truthfully, my life-sucking box (more commonly known as my computer) has spent the better portion of the last several months in the ICU, being treated for the SASSR worm (I think thats how it's spelled). My computer guru is very good, but also very busy, and he fixes my computer for free, but he has to take care of his paying work first. So, I either had to do all my work at the library, or go and annoy him at his house. The long and short of it is that I have had no computer time to write. And I don't do long-hand. I do spend a good portion of my free-thinking time (the time not used up on work, relationship, and financial challenges thinking) writing stories in my head though, so I do have the stories that I have been writing and several others plotted out. Since I got my LSB back, I have been busily typing out outlines and ideas so I wouldn't lose them, and am now busily typing away to update "Just a Shard Detector," and "What Love Isn't." Ok, and a little of "The Day After." I will finish that story someday ~ really I will. Anywayz, thank you so much to those who still care enough to keep checking on my and who write those sweet (and sometimes not-so-sweet) reviews and e-mails asking (or demanding) that I update. I hear you and I will do so ASAP. 9-11-2003 Let us never forget ~ but let us also learn and grow from our tragedy. A HUGE thank you to all of my friends who helped me get my plagiarized story taken down from animespiral. I appreciate every supportive letter, every venemous flame, every bit of reasoning you all tried to do with the thief. I still don't know whether it was she or the site administrators who took the story down, as she still has an account there. But my story has been taken down, so I am grateful. I do miss the reviews that you all contributed, however. Some of you are very gifted in the art of put-downs! Again, Thanks a Trillion to you all! |