Author has written 24 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, Fanfiction Poetry, Final Fantasy VII, Xenogears, Misc. Games, and Torchwood. I'm a female writer and web designer with a serious addiction to SF and fantasy. I live in California and when I'm not at the computer like reading, playing video games, and watching cartoons and movies. Not that I'm not at the computer most of the time, either writing, reading fanfics, or playing ffrp on IRC. My musical obsessions are bound to pop up in my fics, so you can expect lots of Aerosmith and Live. Other favorites that are likely to trample across my fics include Torchwood, Stargate, quite a bit of Marvel's stable of heroes, Dynasty Warriors, Final Fantasy V-VIII, Xenogears, Firefly, and Shadow Hearts. My Torchwood fics |
butterfly.cell (42) | StormesJay (15) |