Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. Sex: Female Age: 22 (I feel old) Location: NYC Interests: music (violin and piano), reading, computers, economics, German, baking, government I am currently in law school, which means a very random update schedule. Tests or papers equal no updates. I was a German major, with a minor in political science. I plan on finishing my one and only story, though I don't know how long it will take or how long it will be. The more you yell at me figuratively, the more I'll update. I don't mind PM's, I really don't mind reviews! Dialogue is good: if you have ideas, I want to hear them. March 30, 2010: I just updated T3P. I know some readers were worried that I had abandoned it, but as I have said, I will finish this fic. It's planned out, I just need to write it. If we did not have rational souls, we would not be able to believe. - Saint Augustine |