Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter. All my efforts here in writing FanFiction is a labour of love and sweat and tears and I write because I simply can't not write. Instead of writing that one great original novel, I write here because I love the idea making things right, or putting things into a previously unconsidered perspective. And also because I'm a lazy coward too afraid to venture out of my comfort zone. is bloody comfortable, you can't deny it! As a writer on this platform, I've come to realize that I have seldom any control over where the story heads out. It seems to develop a mind of its own in each story I've been writing. So, don't ask me where I'm going with this. I honestly have no idea. It's such a pity things I read and explore gere are mere figments of amazing imaginations at work, and it's breaking my heart to realise I'm wide awake and Santa Claus is a marketing gimmick, I actually don't own HP universe nor do I live in the Victorian era. But at least Magic is real. It is, isn't it? Someone(s) has/have been consistently demanding that I dish out a better quality of work and that I finish what I started as well. As much as I would love to indulge in this Masked, Robed anonymous fellow fan's demands, I don't own a time turner, I don't own a house elf either. And I also happen to have a rather demanding life outside of my role here. I'm not out there publishing fantastic work because I don't have the grace needed to handle trolling. I really don't. Reviews and critiques over my writing style, or as a true critic often tells me, my abysmal skills with dialogue and tendency to ramble like Luna, are useful things for me to know and realise so I may attempt to correct them. Telling me to post oftener, telling me this story sucks or that plot had holes or this sounds stupid and that is just weird.. is interesting, I'm sure, but hardly helpful to a writer looking to improve techniques or do better. It certainly doesn't help someone who uses this place as a safe haven and a comfort zone. I fell in love with FFN because here, everything that is messed up in the real world can be sorted out. Here anyone can write anything and not feel foolish. When you attack or stalk or harrass in this platform, it's not just poor form but a seriously cruel thing to do. And so unnecessary and silly it's gauche and tacky. I hope, my secret guest reviewer who constantly disturbs me, you like being thought of as a fly. I'm certainly no spider, nor do I welcome fools into my parlour. I would be glad to mail off what I've written so far to anyone who wishes to re-write or continue where I left off. I shamelessly admit that if anyone wants, all of my stories are up for adoption. I will admit that at least 2 of them, I've not written further simply because I have no idea what happens next - muse on holiday and all that. So, darlings... I would honestly be thrilled to hear your opinions on all of them, readers. But posting your reviews as guests makes it exceedingly difficult for me to track you down and send a personal reply. It's really difficult to juggle a muggle life and leave most of my brains in the magical realm. And a lovely guest reader seems to nurture the incredibly flattering opinions that I have no life or obligations outside of fanfiction writing. I wish,... I really wish that were the case; were it true, it would have been a dream come true. But I do make a point of sparing at least an hour every day for the four stories I've posted here, and the gazillion stories that are still making a racket inside my mind, demanding to be let out. So, if I am slower than your expectations in posting updates, be nice folks? Do Keep Reading. Do Keep Reviewing; It encourages me and makes my day Folks! TOODLES! A/N Update: I'm really sorry I am not able to update some of my stories sooner. Most of my work is in my laptop and what little I do manage to post since the past month, is mostly from my Mobile. I've had a few of you PM me about inconsistencies and lack of updates for ongoing stories, and I truly and sincerely apologise for the delay, but I also hope that you all remember that isn't the entirety of my life. In a world caught in the worst case of a horrific pandemic, crashing economy and jobs and lives that take precedence over hobbies, I hope you all will be able to understand my situation and not judge me too harshly, eh? |