Author has written 13 stories for Ranma, Digimon, Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Age, Harry Potter, and X-Men: The Movie. FANFIC PROGRESS: 6/21/2021 - What's Her Name in Hufflepuff isn't abandoned. 2/23/2021 - I'm writing again. I've go to go into the office again for one day a week now so that means writing when I'm bored out of my mind. Wrote 4 pages today. I will be writing regularly again. 10/14/2020 - New Chapter of WHNIH, Chapter 31, is up. 10/10/2020 - Rough draft of Chapter 31 0f WHNIH is finally done. I don't have a good excuse, I just didn't want to write much lately. I'm going to proofread it Tuesday. Expect it later that night. 9/22/2020 - 10 pages written of Chapter 31 of WHNIH. It will probably be 13-14 pages after its done. 8/23/2020 - I'm still writing and haven't died or anything I swear. ABOUT ME: I'm a thirty something lady who loves fantasy, anime, and science fiction. Fiction without any kind of sci-fi or fantasy angle bores me to tears which is probably a major personality flaw or something. Unless it's the Golden Girls. One of my finest moments was running a Call of Cthulhu game where everyone played as the Golden Girls. I'm a professional paid writer, but not in a fun way. I work as a technical writer writing manuals. Yes, it is as soul sucking as that sounds. It pays okay though? And I do get to tell people I'm a professional writer even if its not the kind I had always wanted to be. I wrote more in my late teens and early twenties and most of my stories are from then. Most of those stories are very much okay. I'm not ashamed of them, but they're not up to my current standards. The sole exception to that would be Learning which I think still holds up rather well. In the past year, I've gotten into writing again and decided to tackle a self insert story. I'm well aware that these tend to be awful, but I've always felt that they don't have to be. I'm trying to write a self insert that isn't cringy wish fulfillment where everything goes well for the main character. It's the character flaws and mistakes that make the journey interesting. Let's face it, most of us wouldn't be super awesome badasses if thrust into a fantasy world unless we're in a story designed for little kids (I would rule the Pokemon world with my iron fist!). We'd fumble around, make mistakes, and any progress we made in stopping the bad guy or making a name for ourselves would be hard earned. I answer PM's in a timely manner. Feel free to throw them my way if you have any questions. I read a lot of fanfiction as well. I'm pretty picky and would recommend most of the stories in my favorites. If you're like me and 'favorite hop' around trying to find new stories to read I think you can find some real gems in my favorites especially among the Labyrinth stories. |
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Community: | Zeppo - The Best Xander fanfiction on here |
Focus: | TV Shows Buffy: The Vampire Slayer |