Author has written 39 stories for House, M.D., Bones, Castle, and Musketeers. About me: I'm a mother of two boys. I love to read. I'm a bit obsessed with ice hockey (it's all about the Vancouver Canucks), and I've always loved Doctor Who. Currently I'm into ABC's 'Castle' and the BBC's 'Musketeers'. The incomparable David Bowie was my adolescent adoration . . . never be over him. I'm English by birth, and Canadian by choice. (I emigrated when I married my amazing Canadian man.) Writing is my hobby. It's what I do for myself, what I've often dreamed (read - fantasized) of doing for a living. It's what gives me an outlet for a need to do something creative - to mold something out of the stories in my brain (because yes- TV character's 'talk to me') - so I give them a life - and how wonderful it is to have something like as a place to give them to others - and to hopefully have them read. Currently, I've both Richard Castle & the Musketeers stuck in my head. In the case of Richard Castle - I'm just completely in love with this character. I love his quirkiness, his intelligence, his sense of play and dry sense of humor. I love his loyalty and devotion to the people he cares for, his fierce competitiveness and that wide-open mind that still embraces a childlike sense of innocence. He's rich, handsome, charming - the perfect man in so many ways and he's a writer . . . like me. And as for the Musketeers - man have I fallen hard for this group of amazingly well drawn characters. I love Dumas' original novels, and the way this show has taken those characters and reinterpreted them for a modern audience is beautiful. Add a cast of some of the most gorgeous and talented actors on television, great scripts, fantastic locations, beautiful costumes and stunning architecture and you've got one hell of a show. If you aren't watching it - you should be! Oh . . and if you like what I write, you can follow me on twitter now. I'm @eyrianone. Random factoid: My author name comes from my love of the novel 'Jane Eyre', it's that novel I read as kid that's just stuck with me always. Cheers. |
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