Author has written 11 stories for Naruto, and Gundam Wing/AC. This is Kyoui-chan speaking. Basic profiling: Name: Kyoui-chan You can call me: Kyoui-chan, Kyoui, Kyo I am: A lesbian. I have been on since 7/5/03, going through two accounts before this one. Greatest quote so far: "Naruto. If I'm wrong, you will know right away, because he'll be trying to use his Chidori on your head." (Sakura, from Asuka Kureru's "A Matter of Head.") You can find me writing: Naruto fanfiction, at the moment. I update: Extremely sporadically. (winces) It takes me forever to write, about the same time to get around to typing it up, and I'm just generally lazy. In the Future: Things I Hate: In the Meantime: I have joined madd envy freak in her quest (?) to save the lemons. Because, seriously, shouldn't be so hateful to them. Anything rated 'M' with 'romance,' basically, to me, guarantees a lemon. If it doesn't have a lemon, don't rate it 'M,' people! Nice meeting anyone reading this. Also- (Regarding This bed of sand: I FRICKING DON'T KNOW WHY I WROTE THAT. My advice to all other authors: Do not take inspiration that you received while half-awake when you wake up at 3:30 in the morning. Most certainly do not act on it and write it- wait until the morning when you are rational. Otherwise, you end up like me, writing a HET pairing. Which you don't like and don't see ANY basis for. -rant end-) |
ame shiroi (15) DancingDragonBlaze (49) demonrubberducky (11) Elizabeth Culmer (108) | firefly (68) Gigabomb (70) Miss Madd (0) Rabbitprint (278) | Rythm.Emotion (6) Snitwick (55) |