Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter. I’ve read fanfic for years, but did not write my first until mid-2019. I am a complete fangirl for long, plotty fics, especially those that nail the characters’ voices, and am in complete awe of those who can write these. Many of my Harry Potter stories take place in the same AU post-war future where Harry and Hermione get together during 8th year and start living happily ever after. The Harmonious DrabbleVerse offers brief snippets of their life together through their many years together, starting with the day of their first kiss. A Wizard Looks at 40 celebrates Harry’s 40th birthday and provides more detail on the prior 20 years and the ways that generation changed the Wizarding World forever. Hermione’s Surprise Party covers Hermione’s 30th birthday and serves to illustrate both way surprise birthday parties are often a very bad idea and the perpetually exhausted state that so many young mothers find themselves in. Thank you for reading! |
Aurette (24) bonded4life (1) ConRom1210 (16) Douglette (30) | Helga Von Nutwimple (33) La-Matrona (5) LeQuin (22) potterlad81 (6) | Stargon1 (14) Walter Sobchak (5) |