![]() Author has written 12 stories for Tokyo Mew Mew, and Young Justice. GUYS I KNOW I'VE BEEN RATHER ABSENT AND I ASK YOUR FORGIVENESS BUT CELEBRATE AND CRY TEARS OF JOY BECAUSE YOUNG JUSTICE IS GETTING A SEASON 3. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. WE FINALLY HAVE CLOSURE AND I DON'T CARE HOW MANY OF MY AU PLOT IDEAS IT KILLS 2016 JUST TURNED INTO THE BEST YEAR EVER FOR ME!!! *dNOTE OF IMPORTANCE FROM MOI* So do you know what's fun about college? A lot of things. Do you know what's not? Its more important than fanfiction, so I have to give my focus to it. :( I promise the stories aren't over- but I have to take a hiatus from the site while I die in the real world from burning out over full-time work and full-time school. I hope you understand, but rest assured, I will be returning to these stories! So if you at least either author/story subscribe, you will eventually get that fateful e-mail! Again, I apologize, and thank you for your understanding. I need your help! I will first be finishing America's Mew Mew, but after that, I have so many story ideas I don't know what to start with! So, after everything written about me, I'll put in a spot showing all the ideas I'm considering, and if you want me to pay attention to one or several ideas in particular, just message me and it'll help me know what ones to start with! And if you want to take any of these stories, I would be happy to give you the plot rights, just PLEASE let me know so I don't write the same thing later! :D Things I like: Birds, Drawing, Flying, Animation, Writing, Reading a good story ;), Laughing, Making others laugh, and V8 Juice [ Things that bug me: When people write on their summary 'I'm bad at summaries' (it instantly makes me not want to read it, sorry guys). Slow typers. When a good story is ruined. When I let others down. And library fines. What's most important: My relationship with Christ, my family and friends, finding true love. My goal in life? To become somebody others can come to and strengthen their own walks with the Lord, to be one of the greatest animators out there, be a good mother (when I eventually have kids), a good wife (when I eventually marry, or am in a relationship for that matter), an author (?), and to own chickens. SO YOU WANT PEOPLE TO READ YOUR FANFICS? WELL HERE'S SOME TIPS! Stop. Saying. It's a bad summary. Sorry summary sucks. Summary sucks. Not good summary. Summary better inside. I mean it, if you can't write a good summary, how can we trust its a good story? Put forth your best foot, not your worst. Use proper grammer and capitalization in the title AND summary, I MEAN IT!! Do NOT use cliche lines, anyone could use cliche lines (ex: will love bloom for Robin and this OC? will this OC's past come to haunt her? but what is she hiding? etc.), show us your creativity! And FINALLY... :) Always eat your dorito-peanutbutter-and-jeally-with-bacon-sandwhich with MILK. Because with pop? That's disgusting. Thank-you for taking the time to read this rant, PLEASE share it if you feel there is need for people to improve how they present their stories. Since Tokyo Mew Mew is a basic fanfic read for me, I should lay down some opinions, mainly: Favorite guys: Pai(reasoning below) Masaya(all you bashers out there only dislike him because you want Ichigo with other pairings, otherwise, as a human AND blue knight, you have to admit he pretty much rocks) Ryou(somewhat cliche and biased, but he looks good with Lettuce, otherwise I actually don't really like him) Kish(despite his cynical, perverted, and crafty mind, you can really tell this guy is devoted to the one he loves, so much so that he's willing to give her up in order for her to be happy) Taruto(he's too young for me to really find favor with him, but in his own way he brings a lot of laughs to the show, and his constant flustered and confused ideas about Pudding are sweet :3) Keiichiro(he's down here because despite his good looks, his charm, and abilities as a chef, he's boring, and more perfect than Masaya, it kinda makes you wonder what'd he'd look like angry, but really, who knows?) Top 5 reasons why Pai is THE BEST GUY ON THIS SHOW EVER: 1- He's not perverted (*cough* Kisshu *cough* slight Ryou *cough*) 2- He's got brains to go with bronze :D 3- If he stayed on earth, he could have a stable job, because HE'S SMART 4- On the last episode, Masaya tried to kill EVERYONE, Kisshu only focused on ICHIGO, Taruto just NEEDLESSLY DIED, and Ryou did practically NOTHING TO HELP (okay, being unfair, he saved Ichigo at the beginning), but Pai? After making his resolution, saved Pudding, Minto, Zakuro, Ryou, AND LETTUCE. Point to the tall purple man. :3 And 5- EAR TEST!: Do it! Go to youtube, find a video that has some pretty good shots of the aliens (like, episodes 45-end), and use your hands to cover their ears, now without those cute alien ears to blind your sight, who is the most attractive? Kisshu without them looks girlish, I'm not sure what Taruto looks like, and Pai? :D See for yourself!! 6 (because I just like to go beyond what's expected)- Modesty: Kish and Taruto show belly, we basically see Masaya and Ryou scantily clad once or twice, and Pai doesn't have any of these moments! Stories up for consideration: Tokyo Mew Mew: Blue Lorikeets DON’T Wear Fringe- This is a nine chapter story centering on Minto, the least valued mew. She may be a sarcastic, at times rude rich blue bird, but it’s not like her life is easy just ‘cause she’s rich. She has to not only maintain her social status among her aristocratic peers, but also hold together her valued relationship with the mews, while being an underage defender of the earth, meeting her parents expectations, and keeping true to her refined self. As if all this weren’t enough, a rather well off detective is actually connecting the dots between Café Mew Mew and the great defenders of Tokyo, and Ryou’s ordered Minto to keep him off their trail! Can she keep him from finding out their secret? Or will the aliens (AGAIN) get in the way? A Princess’s Tale- Five one shots featuring each of the original mews, respectively. Right now there’s no definite certainties whose going to take what tale, except, I WILL NOT MAKE RETASU THE LITTLE MERMAID, I WON’T AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME. In fact, I’m probably making her the Rapunzel story. I want to use the story of Maid Marien (Robin Hood), Snow White, The Princess and the Frog (Ichigo, anyone?), Rumplestiltskin(?), and Beauty and the Beast. I’ll take any ideas or pairings on this one right now. Cyniclon of the Opera- Phantom of the Opera with a Tokyo Mew Mew LettucexRyouxPai twist, need I say more? The Kids are Alright- Title liable to change. Basically, the mew mews identities are found out. Meaning EVERYONE (yes, PARENTS) found out. In a twist of fate, the government is after our five favorite girls, and it’s up to the Cyniclons, Keiichiro, and the PARENTS to keep our mews safe. Justice League (or Young Justice): Minor Problems- When Wally's potential comes to the attention of the worst person possible, impossible choices must be made. AU. Barry Allen(FLASH) is stuck in an alternate dimension with other league members. While the main income source is away, Wally decides to help out by grabbing a job at a local lab. Through school recognition and his natural genius, the small time lab brings the boys potential up to their secret parent company, Lex Corp. Now our favorite red head has caught the eye of one bad baldie, Lex will stop at nothing to make sure he has the promising young mind in his control. Switching Brains Suck- In which case Robin is more demented than ever before, Roy is a stoic dictator, and KF is just plain bald. Inspired by the JLU episode: 'The Great Brain Robbery', Robin, Red Arrow and Kid Flash switch minds with Klarion, Savage, and Lex Luthor, respectively. The villains have no clue what they've gotten themselves into, and when the sidekick trio not only go to get their bodies back, but also convince their mentor's that they ARE themselves. Just a great big ball of comedy and slight crack. Because changing bodies also means changing powers. And yes, there will be the classic seen of 'if nothing else I get to see his secret identity... I have no idea who this is' The Clone of LexCorp Tower- Spin off of 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. Superboy has known nothing but the inside walls of the great LexCorp tower. Lex Luthor having convinced him the world will only hate and scorn him for not only being a clone, a cheap and unwanted knock off of the original. But one day he sneaks out, and with the help of a beautiful martian and company, his world's about to be turned upside down... They're OUR Sidekicks too!- Just a series of one shots on various villains... 'claiming rights' to their heroe's protege's. Definetly a Kid Flash/Rogues chapter in the making, as well as Robin and the dark ladies of Gotham, and Miss Maritan and P'Simon. NOT slash or villainXhero pairings, just curropt people of society still having some heart and looking out for the kids. Or, looking out for what's THEIRS. |