Author has written 2 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers. Hi! I doubt I'll ever write anything on this site (I made a profile solely to keep up with my favorites, but I just might give into the urge one day...) but in the future if you do see something by me, please review! (Update: Hehe, gave in!) I'm a very 'go with the flow' kinda gal, I love anime, manga, comics, sci-fi, fantasy, movies and music in pretty much any language. I'm willing to give anything a try and have a very adventurous kind of personality. I just might add more, depending on if I actually do post anything here ...hmmmm... "Shining brightly, even for a split second, is better than living a dull-grey life for eternity." - Jing (King of Bandits Jing) Thanks so much you guys, you've all been incredibly supportive. You're spoiling me- I might not venture out of the Hetalia fandom here at FFN. And I was thinking of doing a KHR! fic too... XD Btw- Do you know how much I love this site? Half the fanfics on here totally beat canon verse! Here's my tumblr btw. Please don't be afraid to follow me~! |