Author has written 10 stories for Supernatural, Stargate: Atlantis, Merlin, Teen Wolf, and Reign. Hello all and welcome to Almost Heaven's Haven of Weird. My first passion is gaming which means for me a roleplayer of the basements and dice variety. My second passion is my shows with Merlin being the top on the list. I have something currently in very rough draft that will start out gen and then go AU in sequels that starts out Supernatural moving on to Criminal Minds and CSI. I greatly appreciate any reviews or emails about my writing or any mistakes I make. I do not have a beta nor do I know how to go about convincing some poor person to do it so I'm sorry for any grammatic or spelling errors you find. Thanks to all the wonderful people who reviewed my stories. I believe I replied to all of you but if I somehow miss someone feel free to yell at me. I really do appreciate all you who take the time to read and review, you are all great. I shall endeavor to get at it as soon as I am able. At the moment the plot bunnies are not being very co-operative, which I suppose is their nature. Once I narrow the little buggers down I shall post something. Oh, if anyone would like to challenge me to write something, that would be cool. No radical AUs please, like Merlin modern or something equally crazy, I just can't picture those. Just email me or something. I love a challenge. Inspired by a new fandom which I have posted my first story, Everybody Loves Danny, a Teen Wolf story. Chapter three is now up. Really loving this fandom. Have a second story, Reservations, up as well. Might even get chapter four of ELD up this weekend. Not sure how many chapters this will be but I plan on extending it to include the rest of the season. |