Poll: In "Of Mary Sues and Mind Slavery", whose POV is your favorite? Vote Now!
Author has written 41 stories for Inuyasha, Harry Potter, Yu Yu Hakusho, Death Note, Twilight, Detective Conan/Case Closed, Glee, Star Trek: 2009, Legend of Korra, Torchwood, Doctor Who, and Star Wars. You want information? Well, that's kind of creepy of you, but here's what I'm willing to share: Name: Just call me Kittenn Birthday: February 30th, 1994 Something neat: My username has been the same on all my internet accounts thing since about sixth grade; my (alphabetically assigned) locker number in 10th and 11th grade was S1011. What I'm Writing: Elements (Synergy 'Verse): HIATUS. Length-wise, the story itself will probably be just past 100K (or 18-20 chapters) at completion. It will stretch over the course of a couple months to a year, and then the next instalment, which I already have the basic concept of, will pick up again later in the universe. I had a posting schedule of every Saturday, but unfortunately circumstances interfered. I moved away to university, and by the time I was packed and moved, I fell victim to both an influx of homework and a computer crash. Chapter 8 is actually mostly finished, but I'll have to get back into the swing of writing this story, so it might be a bit of time. Of Mary Sues and Mind Slavery: HIATUS. When we pick this up again, it'll be going through an edit first and foremostly, but this is one of my favourite things I've ever worked on and I do want to write it to completion. Currently, we've got chapters 15-18 in complete first draft form, 19 in very rough, and are partway through writing 21, with 20 plotted out. From there, we have a rough outline all the way to chapter 33 (which coincides with My Immortal's 40th chapter, so nearly the end of the fic). But again, this is now an old project that I want to fix up first-- when we've got the edits complete, we'll drop them all in a batch along with the completed chapter 15. Time Warp: DEAD? Can you believe I started posting this in ninth grade? This story has been on hiatus for so long I barely remember it. The fiasco that stopped this in its tracks was a few unfortunate computer crashes losing me all my rough work and plans, but if I'm honest, I've not put much effort in trying to re-plot for further writing and moved on. If I ever start posting, it'll be going through a complete rewrite. Anyways, I dunno if I have it in me to write a pure HP fanfic anymore, OMSAMS is really more of a fanfic of My Immortal than Harry Potter itself, nevermind that it takes place in Harry Potter canon, but Time Warp isn't like that. Transwomen are women, fuck JK Rowling and all the problematic shit that's very clearly present in the Harry Potter series that I didn't notice as an actual child raised in the whitest of communities. Cat's Cradle: DEAD?
General Disclaimer: I don't often bother to add these to my fanfictions anymore, so I'll state it here: Of course I don't own any of the characters or fictional universes I work with here. I'm pretty sure it's a redundancy to repeatedly do it on fanfiction.net, but whatever. My second disclaimer is on the images of my covers. All but one or two only use official images of the series they're from, the others use stock images, all but one of those has had some sort of tampering with the image to fit the mood of the fanfiction. Every last one of them has the title on top. I will not claim any ownership of the original images I have edited for my own use. Well, my Of Mary Sues and Mind Slavery temporary cover is a strategically taken and moderately edited snapshot from The Sims 3, if I can count that as owned... And I'll add in an admittance of lack of ownership over my avatar, while I'm at it. |
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