![]() Author has written 6 stories for Stargate: SG-1, Rising of the Shield Hero/盾の勇者の成り上がり, X-Com, Warhammer, Halo, Starsector, and Killzone. Hi, I am Reaper Eye Fuck ONI or just Reaper eye or fuck oni or whatever the hell. I love crossovers and hate stupidity. Games I Love: XCOM, Halo, Mass Effect, Fallout, Commander and Conquer, Sins Of a Solar Empire, Battlefield TV shows I love: SG-1, SG-Atlantis, SG-E, Law, and Order Now every story I have written will have 5 chapters added each time I finish a set of 5 chapters I can't do times for you as I just get into the mood whenever I feel like so for right now if I stop updating one of my stories its not cuz I dumped it its cuz I am updating the other one. Ok, so this is my own personal story based on a modern American Civil War scenario I came up with when I was in a board and paranoid state at the same time. This is not met to be political or to demonize a political party or faction or whatever the hell, this is just a fictional story do not take it literally, enjoy The American Civil War 2 Electric Boogaloo! After the 2020 election tensions in the United States skyrocketed to enormous Heights to such a degree that other nations feared that a new Civil would occur and plunge the world into fire and ash and so multiple nations began supporting political parties to stabilize the US to make sure WW3 did not happen. However, it was already too late Anger, Hate, and Sorrow lay deep in the American psyche with 2 wars, economic downfalls, and aging infrastructure combined with an aging system of governance the people were divided, and Angry vary Vary Angry. The Left and the Right hated each other to such a degree that if the World was ending and required them to cooperate? They would sit back and blame the other side for it happening until they both died. And with the Ageism, Racism, and Religious crazy's running rampant it was far too late to save what America was. You Could Say That America Died When The Two Towers Fell. Some countries saw the writing on the wall and decided to choose the players that would play in this Baptism Of Fire. Russia chose The Republican party since it already had several hands in the party pushing its interests and so it would supply Rightwing Milltas and groups with Intel on political rivals and weapons and equipment to armed groups to make sure that they had a good military base when the time was right. China chose The Liberal party as multiple groups in them were in line with Communist Ideology and also vary susceptible to bribes and so would provide the same deal that the Russians had with the Republicans Weapons and Intel for making a China aligned government when the time was right. The EU still tried to keep the peace and stabilize the US as it was what kept Russia out of Europe and was integral to the global economy, however that is not to say that all Europen Nations were against a regime change. Some wanted America to be closer to Europe, some wanted it to stay out of it and Some just hated its guts either for past grievances or ideologically opposed to them. Japan started supporting groups on the west coast to make sure that any new American imperialism would be contained and would not threaten Japan. Iran hated the US for multiple past transgressions decided now was the time to act and so started influencing the Mexican cartels in the south to strike at the US when they are most vulnerable. And so for 4 years, the nation was preparing for war with itself the stage was set, and when it kicked off... It Would ignite The World On Fire. So Yeah that's the start of it and I may make a book on this one day but I am going to have to proofread it and have more people work on it with me and I hope you enjoyed it! |