Author has written 34 stories for Spider-Man, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto, Invader Zim, Transformers/Beast Wars, Game of Thrones, A song of Ice and Fire, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, and Loki.
I have several favorite stories cross-posted on different sites. If you see my stories posted under the penname FistsForHire, please know that it is me.
Archive of Our Own: https://a r c h i v e o f o u r o w n . o r g/users/FistsForHire
Potions and Snitches: http://w w w . p o t i o n s a n d s n i t c h e s .o r g/fanfiction/viewuser.php?uid=210
Because of FFnet's latest crackdown on story content and ratings, I've had to repost some chapters of stories to a different site. You must be 18 years old to access it. Thank you for reading and sorry for the inconvience.
"Masters of Their Fate" chapter 12: http://c a r t o o n . a d u l t f a n f i c t i o n . n e t /story.php?no=600093572
"Fortune Favors Fools" chapter 5: http://c a r t o o n . a d u l t f a n f I c t I o n . n e t/story.php?no=600093573
Cover Image Links
"Glad Tidings" cover image by Keiid: https://t w i t t e r. c o m/keiidakamya/status/1433116442266849289/photo/1
"Second Chances" cover image by trabloSK: http://t r a b l o s k . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m/
"The Touch of Sight" cover image by Glitchie: https:///glitchie/art/TouchofSight-951246210
"Rhythm of the War Drum" fanart by Navilyn1209:
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Rhythm-of-the-War-Drum-Fanart-875110961
"Rhythm of the War Drum" fanart by SparkleForever:
https://s t a . s h /0kt0j8yg53d
"Second Chance fan art by ROzelith:
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /r0zelith/art/Starfall-356592539
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /r0zelith/art/Second-chances-fanart-346734804
Big thanks to yuuki-kouseki for her fanart for "Second Chances!"
http://y u u k i - k o u s e k i . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /art/Starfall-meeting-Kara-first-try-314499908
And kiriOkami for "Second Chances" fanart!
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /kiriokami/art/Starfall-853000161
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /kiriokami/art/Starfall-and-Skyfire-852616284
And Sweetcrow with a "Second Chances" fanart!
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m/sweetcrow/art/TF-G1-Second-Chance-872990653
They're all such awesome pieces! Please be sure to send them all some love!
"Masters of Their Fate" DinoTrap Beast Wars illustrations:
Rattrap annoying fem!Dinobot: https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Playing-with-Fire-135968840
Megatron and Dinobot (inspired by ch. 5 of MoTF): https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Mine-138535810
Rattrap and Dinobot doing what they do best: arguing with the unspoken potential for bodily harm: https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m/fistsforhire/art/Up-Against-the-Wall-140777470
A tender moment. Or at least as tender a moment Dinobot and Rattrap can have: https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Love-You-Hate-You-150868257
And some illustrations from the sequel "Fortune Favors Fools":
Fem!Transmetal Dinobot clone, Talon: https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m/fistsforhire/art/Here-Comes-the-Pain-150708539
Baby Switchblade: https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Switchblade-184164779
A father/son moment: https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Daddy-luvs-ya-kiddo-184164286
Adult Switchblade: https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Adult-Switchblade-195133021
Switchblade emotions chart: https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m/fistsforhire/art/Switchblade-Emotions-Chart-I-195131826
Switchblade emotions chart II: https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Switchblade-Emotions-Chart-II-195131281
"Unto the Shores of Acheron" FMA illustrations:
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Return-33916685
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Out-of-the-Wreckage-33916456
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Rejection-33371482
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Hesitation-33370895
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/Homunculus-Ed-33370738
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/A-Father-s-Sacrifice-33371043
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m/fistsforhire/art/Longing-33371250
"Waiting for You Beyond the Light" Naruto illustration:
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m/fistsforhire/art/Yon-Daddy-and-Naruto-62740227
"Blood Stained Hands" Naruto illustraions:
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m /fistsforhire/art/A-Poetic-End-55981446
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m/fistsforhire/art/Possession-45081292
https://w w w . d e v i a n t a r t . c o m/fistsforhire/art/You-re-Still-Alive-45080237
http://w w w . f i c t i o n p r e s s . c o m /u/129200/
French version of "Unto the Shores of Acheron," translated by Kestrel Faeran: French Unto the Shores of Acheron
Russian version of "Kept Behind," translated by Julia W: http://w w w . h o g w a r t s n e t . r u /fanf/ffshowfic.php?fid=19593&l=0
Czech version of "Kept Behind," translated by Omnes: https://o m n e s - s e e t h i s . e s t r a n k y . c z / c l a n k y / f a n f i c t i o n/v-pozadi/uvod-k-povidce.html