![]() Fancy writing for me? Well then - go explore my Pervy Picspiration Posts over on the Perv Pack's Smut Shack - http:///search/label/picspiration Every week I post new pics and invite you to write me a drabble, a O/S or a chapter of an existing piece. You can write for any fandom!! Not just twilight. We've had fics for Harry Potter and Transformers submitted before... The worlds of fandom are your oyster! The best stories are featured the following week. So go on. Write for me and get inspired to get dirrrrty! I have a new home: Its a place of beauty, wonder & the best in M FF - http:///- come and check us out. If you want well written, hot fanfic - its the only place to visit. Fiction recc's and reviews will normally post on Fridays (what better way to kickstart a weekend of fun!)... But there are all kinds of other sparkly things to keep you interested all week round... Go on you know you want to... I don't know why you would... but JIC you do... you can follow me on twitter! http://twitter.com/ememmyem its more of my random crap & chattering about bullshit & nonsense! :) I am a Harry Potter geek - & very proud of that fact. I have loved the books since the very very beginning here in the UK & will love them forever... Best ship in HP is Lily/James! They just work so well. My dear L has recently got me into Twilight & although very diff it hooks you in... I'm lost now! There is an amazing assortment of Twilight FF out there. (Team Edward btw - all the way!) I am now completely obsessed with the Twilight domain of FF. As I increasingly find it offers what was severely lacking from the books... My fave's are just that! Faves!! Must reads in my book. I lose so much time to this website. Sunk!! Other books that I love - but find the FF lacking in decent stories... (so if any of you amazing authors feel like having a whirl... ;D) Aidan Chambers - This is All - A tomb of a book. Part Haiku, poems, diary. A girls life. Love. Pain. Love. Sex. Pain. Love. Fear. Love. - a head mess of a book. A times I loved it, loved her - the narrator. At times I hated her & the book. By the end I was heartwrenched & gutted it had ended... Garth Nix's Sabriel/Lirael/Abhorsen Trilogy - damn fine series!! Wonderfully written - eerie & tense & magical & simmering = brill! Marianne Curley - Guardians of Time Trilogy - starts off very good & action packed - turns epic!! Shannon Hale - Goose Girl etc... - New fairytales told brilliantly set in magical lands.. (& romantic!). Enchanting tales. N. M. Browne - My favourite? Hunted. A girl, attacked, lying in a coma... But where is her spirit? In an ancient land in the body of a fox... Brilliantly written & very very good. The Story of Stone, another of hers is so good. But I think I am missing something from what she is trying to say... Cliff McNish - Angel - heartbreakingly good. Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials - what can you say - Bloody master. EPIC EPIC EPIC EPIC... Tim Bowler - Eerie, eerie tales.. Haunting to the core and stirring and shocking and raw? Frozen Fire prob my fave. Mary Hoffman - Stravaganza. Romantic, magical, & bittersweet - time travelling to ancient alternative Italy? Yes please. Dodie Smith - I capture the Castle - The most wonderful of narrators. Heartbreaking honest & humorous tale. Its JK's fave book & is set in the glam 20's. Wonderful.. Read you later! XXXXX |