Author has written 20 stories for Teen Titans, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Diana Wynne Jones, Avatar: Last Airbender, Big Bang Theory, Bones, Looking For Alaska, John Green, Sense and Sensibility, Hey Arnold, Fault in Our Stars, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Avengers, and Arrow. Just a girl with ink and paper where her heart ought to be. You can also find me on AO3. If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning. —Vincent van Gogh |
angelique444 (4) ChocolateIsMyDrug (83) eponnia (82) John Cribati (13) | KisstheRain14 (23) Kryalla Orchid (49) orchidvines (7) SLynn (76) slytherinsal (159) steepedinwords (9) | The Star Fisher (15) The Starhorse (18) TheImaginationAddict (17) Tonk's Twin (1) Wmst (0) |