Favorite TV Shows: Heroes, Supernatural, The 4400, Psych, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, Eureka, NCIS. Favorite Books:The Harry Potter Series, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia Series, Eragon, Eldest, Angels and Demons, .and the Hardy Boys Favorite Movies: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Back to the Future Triolgy, The Indiana Jones Trilogy, The Star Wars Saga, The Harry Potter Series, The Pirates of the Carribean trilogy, Home Alone, Home Alone 2, Sleepless in Seattle, It's a Wonderful Life, Thunderbirds(I'm currently scoping the internet to watch the tv episodes so if anybody feels like uploading them i'd appreicate it), and the Parent Trap. Favorite Genre:Science Fiction/Fantasy favorite school subject:History Major in college:History Minor:Political Science |
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