Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Final Fantasy VII, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Warcraft, X-overs, Naruto, and Final Fantasy VIII. Yo! Welcome to my humble page! May 2018: I recently started working again- after four years of being off due to health issues. I am exhausted, sore, and struggling to keep my occipital neuralgia under control. Please assume that everything is on hiatus until I feel human again. Sorry! UPDATE 2019: NOT DEAD! Just exhausted! Actually starting to gain some ground on my pain management/work balance (sixty-seventy hour weeks, save holidays, since last July kicked my ass...) Public Service Announcement: I cross-post stuff on AO3, (aka Archive of Our Own) just because some people mentioned liking the format better over there. AO3 and FFNet are the only two sites that I post my works on! Also, I now have a Tumblr! Username is the same! Mistakes/Typos/Grammar Usage: Also, I do my own proofreading and I suck at it. Because, usually, I start to edit and then decide I'm going to expound on something here and change this there and I end up with more typos and usage mistakes than I started with, so I edit as I go. I apologize for any mistakes that you might find and I do try to fix the ones that are pointed out to me. I've been trying to edit things so that I can correct my tense issues, but it is slow going. I tend to write a lot of scenes in present tense and then go back and change them because it reads weird in present tense but it's a...process. Missing Author's Notes: If you are looking for a note that about a story that is supposed to be here on my profile, just PM me about it! I got tired of the notes taking up space here- because clutter bothers me to some extent- but I'd be more than happy to send you the note if you ask! It might take me a few- or several- days, but I'll get back to you! I promise! Thank you for reading! Much love to you all~! I wanted to just take a second to thank anyone who has followed, reviewed, favorited, or even just read my stories. You all are awesome! I don't usually reply to reviews because I'm awkward and anxious. The more anxious I get- and most days it is really bad despite any and all attempts to get over myself- the more awkward I get, and it just snowballs from there. But please know that I read every single review- multiple times- and I cherish them. They are the lifeblood of my works because I love knowing there are other people out there who love these characters and worlds as much as I do. It makes fandom fun, knowing I'm not all alone, ya know? |
2JEedY9z3Xq8R35r (0) Anime Enthusiast (13) Arrowsbane (0) arturus (12) AsreonInfusion (62) Batsutousai (0) black.k.kat (0) Bleach-ed-Na-tsu (109) Disturbed Turtle (8) Drown Me In Blue (64) emcey squared (13) EmptySurface (0) fuzzibunniez (25) gabbicav (0) Hichiisai (3) InsaneScriptist (24) jiemae (23) | Kyogre (32) kzam (12) Lady Azar de Tameran (187) Lady Hallen (3) Lang Noi (38) Lucillia (579) lyricalgurl8 (5) Madrigal-in-training (46) Mrs.InsaneOne (40) Perseia Jackson (23) PseudonymousEntity (29) RegenesisX (26) Rikkamaru (75) SerendipitousWays (12) Shivani (48) silenceia (0) Sinnatious (43) | skygem (181) slayer of destiny (211) Starchains (16) StarLight Massacre (16) Sui Causa (3) sunnycalendargirl (12) The Dark Scribbler (20) TheTimelessCycle (10) Tsume Yuki (90) Umei no Mai (25) up side and down (12) Vixen Tail (12) VVSINGOFTHECROSS (77) wtfel (7) WyrdSmith (9) |