Author has written 160 stories for NCIS. Unrepentant fan of NCIS, and of 'Ducky' since his 'Illya Kuryakin' days. My favorite character, though, is Tim McGee (pictured; but if you're reading this, you've recognized him). I'd consider myself a nerd rather than a geek, but I can still identify with Tim, strongly. Oh, yeah. After Tim, my next favorite character would be Abby. It's hard not to like someone that fun-loving and bubbly, marching to the beat of her own theremin. But I love the entire NCIS cast, from Jenny and Gibbs on down. What's not to love? I'm so glad to have an opportunity to shuffle them about in fanfic. Also a long-time fan of Thunderbirds and The Man From U.N.C.L.E., which of course are two separate shows and not one strange, long title. (But what a crossover that'd be, if one could span 100 years.) For Thunderbirds my faves are moody astronomer/intellectual John and Gordon the goofball. You can see a pattern: gotta love the geeks, and the people who make you laugh. No specific likes with U.N.C.L.E.; I love all of 'em. After writing The Eidetic Factor, I've come to realize that I am a dedicated McAbby shipper, when I do any shipping at all. McAbbyness will pop up in my stories from time to time, when the situation is right for it. Love, as they say, is grand! I expect to chiefly be writing McGee-centric stories at NCIS for the forseeable future. There will be others that are not, but in most fics these will be short pieces, mostly one-shots, because I'd rather have Tim in the limelight for the casefile pieces. He's too much fun to have just sitting around. :) To my point of thinking, he's the nice guy with heroic tendencies in tight spots. There are lots of stories that can be told about that. Expect uploads to end on cliffhangers whenever I can manage that. This is not entirely because I'm a mean, nasty person; a little (or a lot) of angst is good for the soul. :) Besides, Charles Dickens did the same, and look where that got him? Well, he's dead now. But even so, cliffhangers are our friends! If you like reading or writing NCIS fanfic, come explore the NFA Community (NCIS Fanfiction Addiction) at our BRAND NEW site, http:///index.php . Just like here; lots of good stories, and also a chance to discuss storywriting and other aspects of our favorite show. |
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