Author has written 2 stories for RWBY. Hi there! Wil here. Bio I am a writer in Austin, Texas, who works in a technology related field. How did I end up on a fan fiction website? A dare, mostly. I critique my friends creative writings all the time, despite never having written one myself. After a tense discussion about cutting down on the filler in her story, one of them told me to put up or shut up. So, here I am. I decided to take up writing as one of my hobbies, along with others such as lock-picking and free-running. Other interests of mine include watching professional wrestling, finding new music, and avoiding a Dr. Pepper addiction relapse. Suggested Authors and Books In terms of authors I like to read, my big three are Kurt Vonnegut, Elmore Leonard, and Richard Stark. Their dry wit and plain language is a prose I would like to strive for in my writings. Stark's The Man with the Getaway Face is probably my favorite novel of all time. Stieg Larrson's Millennium Trilogy is also a great read for those interested in crime stories. Fun fact: Larrson's books are essentially self-insert Pippi Longstocking fan fiction. I also read Philp K. Dick and Isaac Asimov to get my speculative fiction fix. Asimov's Foundation was the first book I ever read by myself as a kid. Along the same lines, Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw and John Swartzwelder's books are morbidly funny while keeping to the science fiction genre. I almost died laughing at Swartzwelder's The Time Machine Did It. |